Speed & Velocity
Net Force & Friction
Gravity & Weight
It's the Law
Unlike speed, velocity, force, acceleration, and displacement, all require this vector quantity.
What is "direction?"
_____ Which of the following is NOT an example of acceleration? a). a person jogging at 3 m/s along a winding path. b). a car braking as it approaches a stop sign. c). a gazelle running 32 m/s east. d). a toddler pedaling a tricycle
What is "a). a person jogging at 3 m/s along a winding path."
This would be the net force when two teams pull on a rope in opposite directions with the same amount of force.
What is "O newtons"
An object with a mass of 1 kilogram on Earth a. has less mass on the moon b. has the same mass on the moon c. has more mass on the moon d. weighs the same everywhere
What is "b. has the same mass on the moon?"
This term is used to describe the resistance an object has to any change in its motion an is related to its mass.
What is "inertia?"
The object’s motion as illustrated by the slope on the right is?
What is "constant velocity?"
If you double the force acting on a mass, how could you change its mass to keep acceleration the SAME? (F = M x A ).
What is " double the mass."
Your dad pushes the couch with a force of 35 N to the right and you push with a force of 25 N right. What is the net force on the couch?
What is "60 N rightward"
Ignoring air resistance, this would be the velocity after 5 seconds of a 20 kg falling object.
What is "49 m/s?" ( v = 9.8 m/s/s x 5s)
According to law 2, this is how gravity pulls on more massive objects to keep acceleration the same as less massive objects.
What is "pulls on heavier objects with more force?"
This is the acceleration of the object in the table above?
What is - 2m/s/s?
A falling object is pulled down by the earth. The earth is pulled up toward the object. Why doesn’t the earth move? a. Only the earth has gravity. b. The Earth has a very large mass and a small acceleration. c. The Earth has a very small mass and large acceleration. d. Air resistance gets in the way.
What is "b. The Earth has a very large mass and a small acceleration."
When you push with a horizontal 15-N force on a book that slides at constant velocity, what is the amount of static friction on the book in newtons?
What is " 15 newtons?"
The gravitational-force between two objects would be be... A. Half as strong if they're moved twice as far apart B. Twice as strong if they're moved half as far apart C. Four times as strong if they're moved twice as far apart D. Four times as strong if they're moved half as far apart
What is "A. Half as strong if they're moved twice as far apart ."
The Earth rotates west to east. According to Newton's first law of motion, which should occur if you jumped straight up? A. You land east of where you jumped from B. You land west of where you jumped from C. You land in the same place you jumped from
What is "A. You land east of where you jumped from?"
What is the speed of the car above if it moves through the distance pictured in 2 seconds?
What is 1.5cm/s? (s = d/t = 3cm/2s)
At this point in the graph the object stopped.
What is "Point D."
You are moving a dresser that has a mass of 36 kg; its acceleration is 0.5 m/s/s. What is the force being applied?
What is "18 Newtons?" F = 36 kg x 0.5 m/s/s
This is how a feather and hammer will land if released from the same height on the moon.
What is "at the same time?"
This is the action reaction force pair when a rocket is lifting off into space.
What is "gases push backward on rocket ; Rocket pushes forward off of gases
Describe the motion of the object illustrated in the graph on the right.
What is "the object is accelerating / traveling a greater distance per unit of time"
A roller coaster is moving at 25 m/s at the bottom of a hill. Three seconds later it reaches the top of the hill moving at 10 m/s. What was the acceleration of the coaster?
What is "- 5m/s/s?" ( a = 10 m/s -25 m/s/s) / 3s)
A bowling ball rolling down an alley is opposed by this type of friction.
What is "kinetic friction?"
This is the weight of a 90 kg astronaut on the moon . The moon’s acceleration due to gravity is 1,6 m/s2.
What is "14.4 newtons?"
An object moving in a straight line with a constant speed has no unbalanced forces acting on it. How will its motion change over time?
What is "it's motion will remain unchanged?"