Terms to Know
Describing Motion
Laws of Motion
Use the Force
Forces in Action
How far an object as traveled is referred to as...
What is: distance 
The rate of travel, how how fast something goes....
What is speed
An object will remain at rest or movie in a straight line with constant speed unless an outside force act on it. This is Newtons _____ Law 
What is 1st Law of Motion 
The force that acts in the opposite direction of motion between the touching surfaces. 
What is friction 
When a car suddenly stops, the objects in the back seat are thrown forward. This is due to the -  * Law of inertia   *Law of action-reaction  * Law of Gravity 
What is the Law of inertia 
How far an object is away from where it started is referred to as.......
What is displacement 
Speed with direction implied 
What is velocity 
If a car is going at 70 mph and will continue to until the seat belt or other force make you stop. This is the First Law of Inertia known as the ______ ______ Law.
What is the Seat Belt Law 
The force of attraction between all objects. 
What is gravity 
If an object is NOT moving, where is the acceleration coming from to cause the force to increase as the mass increases? 
What is gravity 
A place where an object is located is referred to as ....
What is Position 
A change in Velocity (changing speed or direction) You can accelerate by: Speeding up, slowing down  or making a turn. This is referred to as .....
What is acceleration 
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Example: Rocket blasting off or you pushing yourself in a chair with one foot pushing back and the chair rolling forward
What is Newtons 3rd Law of Motion 
We experience 2 common forces everyday ______ and ________. 
What is friction and Gravity 
Which law describes the relationship between the mass and force? 
What is the law of force and acceleration Newtons 2nd Law 
A point used to determine the position of an object is referred to as .....
What is reference point 
Forces that cause motion because one has more magnitude (is stronger) than the other. 
What is an Unbalanced force
Force is equal to the mass x acceleration.  Example: If I want to move a big heavy box I will need to apply a big force. 
What is Newtons 2nd Law of Motion 
The planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the inner planets. They are much smaller than the outer planets. The sun is the source of gravitational pull. We can apply this knowledge to the planetary systems. The closer the objects are, the _______ __________
What is : The closer the objects are the more gravity.
Which of the following was Newton NOT credited with discovering? * calculus  *refracting telescope  *formation of white light  *Law of Motion 
What is refracting telescope
Dudley ran out the front door of the house traveled 2 miles east to his fellow dog friends house then 3 mile west to the doggies treat store. The total distance from where Dudley started to his ending point is referred to as .....
What is displacement 
Forces that DO NOT cause a change in motion because they are the same or equal to zero and are in opposite directions motion remains CONSTANT 
What is A Balance Force
__________ measures an object's tendency to remain at rest or keep moving. 
What is Inertia 
________ and __________ have an affect on gravity 
What is Mass and Distance 
The average speed of a car is 20 m/s. How much time does it take for the car to travel 300 meters? 
What is 15 s