Uses of Energy
Uses of energy Cont.

What two forms of energy does a flame from a burning candle release?

light and heat (thermal) energy


Which of these is a good conductor of electricity?

    A     Glass

    B     Metal

    C     Rubber

    D     Plastic

B     Metal


Light traveling through a pair of eyeglasses is —

refracted, or bent.


A student studying friction placed four blocks made of different materials of ice, sponge, sandpaper, and plastic on a plastic tray.  Which block will probably experience the least amount of friction as it moves down the tray?

The ice block will probably experience the least amount of friction as it moves down the tray.


Why do guitar strings make sound when you play the guitar?

The guitar strings vibrate.


Solar cells power solar calculators by changing light energy to __________ energy.

Solar cells power solar calculators by changing light energy to electrical energy.


Name three metals that conduct electricity.

Any metal conducts electricity and some alloys (mixtures of metals) do as well. Some examples include copper, brass, aluminum, gold, silver, tin, iron, steel, etc. 


A bird can see itself in a mirror because the mirror –

reflects light.


The force that pulls precipitation from the clouds during the water cycle is –



A solar cell turns sunlight into another form of energy.  A solar cell is most like what natural structure?

A     an elephant’s ears

B     a plant’s leaves

C     a deer’s hooves

D     a tree’s roots

B     a plant’s leaves


What two forms of energy does the Sun produce?

The Sun produces light and heat (thermal) energy. (And Nuclear, but that won't be on the test.)


You know, I have toooooooooooooooooooo. . .  How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.

A woodchuck's brain is small (unlike mine 😎) and would have no reason to chuck any wood, so it wouldn't chuck any. *NOW LEAKED* (© Copyright 2021 "Henry Ludwig" ALL RIGHTS RESERVED this is a watermark so no one has no screenshots *cough* revanth *cough*)


The picture that doesn't exist shows a plastic straw in a glass of water.  Why does the plastic straw appear broken?

The water refracts, or bends, the light.


A force that slows down or stops the motion of a bicycle is —

Friction (Specifically wind resistance)


Which two forms of energy are released when wood is burned?

Light and heat (thermal) energy are released when wood is burned.


Sometimes people leave the curtains on their windows open during the day.  Their homes get warmer in the afternoon than they were that morning.  Their homes get warmer on sunny days than on cloudy days.  What is warming their homes during the day?

The Sun (solar energy) is warming their homes during the day.


Thinking about circuits…

closed = complete

open = __________



Explain why we can see the Moon shine at night.

The Moon reflects light from the Sun to the Earth.


Which of the surfaces of plastic, wood, and carpet on a ramp would produce the most friction when you rolled a toy car down it?

Carpet would produce the most friction when you rolled a toy car down it.


When an electric fan is running, most of the electrical energy changes into which kind of energy?

An electric fan changes electrical energy into mechanical energy.


Most household appliances must be plugged into a socket to work.  Which type of energy provides power for these appliances?

Electricity powers most household appliances.


A student built a circuit using copper wires, a battery, a light bulb, and a switch.  Which of these objects is the source of energy for the circuit?

The battery is the source of energy for the circuit.


A student set a glass of water next to an open book.  When he looked through the glass, the student noticed that the writing in the book looked much bigger.  This happened because the water in the glass —

refracted, or bent, the light.


Name three forces.

SOME types of forces are Frictional force, Tension force, Normal Force, Air Resistance Force, Applied Force, Spring Force, Magnetic Force, Gravitational force, etc.


A family is having a new house built.  They are trying to decide how to use different forms of energy in their house.  List three forms of energy that they might use and describe how the family could use each form of energy in their new home.

Mechanical – open and close garage door, door knobs, etc.

Light – to see

Thermal – to heat the house and cook

Electrical – to power appliances

Sound – to listen to music, tv, etc.
