Types of Force
Types of Motion
Light/ Heat Energy
Sound Energy
When a boy drags a wagon from one side of the playground to another, what is this force called?
What is "Pull"
A tornado and hurricane are very dangerous because - A. They roll really fast B. They slide really fast C. They spin really fast
What is "C. They spin really fast"
What type of objects can be pulled by a magnet? A. Crayon and basketball B. Marble and metal paperclip C. Metal paperclip and metal safety pin
What is "C. Metal paperclip and metal safety pin"
Charlie decided to cook dinner for his family. He started by putting a stick of butter in a pan on the stove. If he increased the heat energy of the stove, what will happen? A. The butter will get harder B. The butter will remain unchanged C. The butter will melt
What is "C. The butter will melt"
When your friend calls to you on the field during recess, they sound very low. You can barely hear what they are saying. This is because they are - A. Very far away B. Very close C. At home
What is "A. Very far away"
If you put a marble in the middle of a ramp and then let it go, how would it move?
What is "It would go down"
Cynthia is learning how to ski. She has just started down the slope. What is happening to her ski's? A. They are rolling B. They are sliding C. They are spinning
What is "B. They are sliding"
John has plastic alphabet letters that stick onto his steel refrigerator. What is inside of the letters that allows them to stick to the refrigerator?
What is "A Magnet"
Carl accidentally left his chocolate bar out in the sun during his picnic with his family. By the time he came back to it, the chocolate bar was already ________.
What is "Melted"
When you tap on a desk with your finger, you can hear a sound. What happens to that sound when you put your ear against the desk and tap again? A. The tapping sound gets softer B. The tapping sound gets louder C. The tapping sound stays the same
What is "B. The tapping sound gets louder"
Sally wants to go down a slide on the playground, but she needs help. What does she need a friend to do for her?
What is "Push her down the slide"
Ben just got new skates for his birthday. He wants to use them right away! What allows him to move on the skates? A. They skates spin on the floor B. The skates slide on the floor C. The skates roll on the floor
What is "C. The skates roll on the floor"
A magnet could be used to sort - A. Apples and strawberries B. Plastic buttons and metal paperclips C. Metal paperclips and metal staples
What is "B. Plastic buttons and metal paperclips"
When you have hot cocoa in a mug, you begin to see something come up from the cup. This fog is caused by heat from the drink, and we call this - A. Steam B. Smog C. Clouds
What is "A. Steam"
Lisa is singing in the school play, but some people in the audience can't hear her well. If she wants to sing loudly enough for them to hear, she should - A. Use more energy to increase her pitch B. Use more energy to make her voice louder
What is "B. Use more energy to make her voice louder"
When you throw an object up into the air, it always comes back down. This is due to the force called _________.
What is "Gravity"
Your teacher does an experiment where she flicks a coin with her fingers that is standing on its side. What happens to the coin? A. It spins B. It rolls C. It slides
What is "A. It spins"
When you are sorting items based on its magnetism, you notice that the feather does not stick to the magnet, but the paperclip does. This is because the paperclip contains a special metal called ________.
What is "Iron"
When it is sunny outside and all of the lights are on, an orange ball looks really bright orange. About 5:00 pm, the sun starts to set and mom turns one of the lights off. Now how does the ball look? A. The ball looks brighter B. The ball looks less bright C. The ball looks the same
What is "B. The ball looks less bright"
Penny puts a handful of beans on top of a drum. She begins making a loud banging noise and the beans start jumping and dancing. This is because - A. The volume travels through the air B. The ringing travels through the air C. The vibrations travel through the air
What is "C. The vibrations travel through the air"
Which of the following can be pushed AND pulled? A. Phone button B. Shopping Cart C. Lamp Chain D. All of the above
What is "B. Shopping Cart"
What type of motion do you see when you push a pencil off of a table? A. It slides off the table B. It rolls off the table C. It drags off the table
What is "B. It rolls off the table"
When you put the opposite poles of two magnets together, the magnets- A. Push each other away B. Pull towards each other C. Nothing happens
What is "B. Pull towards each other"
When describing amount of light, you can say that the sun is very ________ and a small night light is _________.
What is "bright, dim"
On a guitar, there are several strings that make different sounds. This is because - A. Some strings are tighter than the others, making the sound higher B. Some strings are looser than the others, making the sound lower C. Both A and B
What is "C. Both A and B"