Motion, Speed, Velocity, & Acceleration
Forces & Friction
Gravity & Falling Objects
Newton's Laws

What is an object that appears to stay in place that helps you detect motion in another object?

A reference point


Which of the following choices best represents force?
A) A push or a pull always causing motion
B) A push or a pull always causing acceleration
C) A push or a pull acting without an object
D) A push or a pull acting on an object

D) A push or a pull acting on an object


Air resistance causes the acceleration of a falling object to do what?

Slow down


A person moving forward quickly into their seat belt after the driver of a car hits the brakes is best explained by which of Newton's Laws?

Newton's 1st Law


Find the velocity of a plane that traveled 4,000 miles west in 5 hours.

800 miles/hour west.


What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Velocity has a direction, speed does not.


What is the net force on an object when you combine a force of 10 N north with a force of 5 N south?

5 N north


Why does a crumpled piece of paper land before a flat sheet of paper if they are dropped from the same height at the same time?

There is more air resistance on the flat sheet of paper than the crumpled piece.


What is the force needed to push a 1800 kg stalled car at a rate of 2 meters per second?

3600 N


What speed was a biker going if he traveled 12 miles in 30 minutes?

24 miles per hour


Which of the following represents constant speed on the graph below?



Give an example of an object with kinetic friction and an object with static friction

Ex) kinetic friction must be moving -- chair rolling behind a desk; static must be not moving -- pushing against a wall


Why do astronauts appear to be weightless in a space shuttle?

They are in free fall.

An ice skater at rest pushes against a sled at rest, causing both the skater and the sled to move away from each other with different accelerations. This is an example best described by…

Newton's 3rd Law


A runner accelerates from a standstill to 50 meters per second in 10 seconds. What was the runner’s acceleration?

5 m/s2


What are the three ways an object can be accelerating?

Speeding up, slowing down, changing directions.

What is an example of how one can reduce friction?
A) Wearing a batting glove to bat
B) Pressing harder while sanding wood
C) Pushing harder when cleaning
D) Waxing skis before skiing down a ski slope

D) Waxing skis before skiing down a ski slope


A falling object’s terminal velocity is reached when the force of gravity is _____ to the force of air resistance.



Which of the following objects has the least acceleration?
A) An empty shopping cart that was pushed with a hard force
B) A full shopping cart that was pushed with a hard force
C) An empty shopping cart that was pushed with a light force
D) A full shopping cart that was pushed with a light force

D) A full shopping cart that was pushed with a light force


What is the force needed to move an object with a mass of 18kg to an acceleration of 4.5 m/s2?

81 Newtons


In which of the following is a skateboarder not accelerating?
A) Going straight while speeding up
B) Going straight at a constant speed
C) Making circles at a constant speed
D) Going straight while slowing down

B) Going straight at a constant speed


Which are the two factors that determine the amount of friction on objects?
A) The force applied and the roughness of the surfaces
B) The smoothness and roughness of the surfaces
C) The force applied and how much the surfaces come in contact
D) The force applied and the weight exerted on the surfaces

A) The force applied and the roughness of the surfaces


Which of the following is not an example of projectile motion?
A) The path of a leaping frog
B) The pass of an arrow through the air
C) The path of a crate sliding along flat ground
D) The path of a pitched baseball

C) The path of a crate sliding along flat ground

  1. What is the best SINGLE word to describe what is happening in the photo of two billiard balls?



If an object falls at a rate of 9.8 m/s2 and begins at a height of 4 meters off the ground, what will the velocity be when it hits the ground after 3 seconds? Use Δv = g × t

29.4 m/s
