If you power a string of lights with a 9-volt battery and your sister uses an extension cord and powers her lights from an electrical outlet on the deck, who will have the brighter lights?
Who is your sister?
This force causes objects to fall towards the center of the Earth at an acceleration of 9.8m/s2.
What is the gravitational force?
A field caused by a magnet or current carrying wire.
What is a magnetic field?
What is a gravitational field?
A push or a pull
What is a force?
The law that states energy is never created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another.
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
When a student rubs a neutral balloon with a cloth on a cool, dry day. The balloon gains electrons which means that the balloon has which charge?
What is negative charge?
A field around any charged object.
What is an electric field?
Opposite charges and poles do this.
What is attract?
One end of a magnet, identified as either north or south
What is a pole?
This happens to gravitational force when objects move closer together.
What is the force increases?
2 ways to make an electromagnet stronger.
What is increase battery strength or wrap the wire around the coil more times?
A field around any object possessing mass.
What is gravitational field?
Would you weigh more or less on Jupiter?
What is more?
the physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles
What is an electric field?
The reason that a compass always points North.
What is the Earth's magnetic field?
An object that allows an electrical charge to flow through it easily
What is a conductor?
During a lab investigation students touched an uncharged piece of metal with a positively charged glass rod.
Which method was the electric charge transferred by?
What is conduction?
What is a magnetic field around a bar magnet?
A magnet that is created when a wire is coiled and an electric current flows through it
What is an electromagnet?
Like charges and poles do this.
What is repel?
The effect that increasing distance between objects has on a force.
What is decreases the strength of the force?
How is mass of an object different from the weight of an object?
Weight includes gravitational force
What is a magnetic field around a current carrying wire?
the force of attraction that exists between any two or more masses
What is gravity?