Newton's Laws
Distance/Time Graphs

In which direction does the force of friction act on a nut falling from a branch?

A. Up

B. Down

C. Left

D. Right

A. Up


What causes a wagon to speed up when going down a hill?

A gravity

B friction

C air pressure

D mass

A gravity


What will most likely happen to a rock at rest on the ground?

A. It will stay at rest until it gains enough energy from the Sun

B. It will start to roll on its own in time

C. Friction will start it moving

D. It will stay at rest unless it is acted on by a force. 

D. It will stay at rest unless it is acted on by a force.


Which of these is a force?

A. A spring scale

B. An object’s mass

C. A push forward

D. An object’s matter 

C. A push forward


A student measures the motion of a toy car. She measures the distance the car travels every 20 seconds for 2 minutes. At the end of the 2 minutes, she wants to show her data on a line graph. What should she put along the y-axis of her graph?

A. Position            C. Time

B. Speed              D. Distance

D. Distance


A ball is kicked and rolls along a level field until it comes to a stop. What is most responsible for the ball coming to a stop?

A air

B gravity

C mass

D friction

D friction


A runner measured the time it took him to run 5 km. What can he calculate from the distance and time measurements?

A direction

B mass

C speed

D force

C speed


A red car is turning a corner and a white car is parked on the street. Which best describes the cars?

A. Neither car has both inertia and momentum

B. Only the white car has both inertia and momentum

C. Only the red car has both inertia and momentum

D. Neither car has momentum

C. Only the red car has both inertia and momentum


Which statement best describes what must happen in order for a person to lift an object?

A The force of gravity must be greater than the mass of the object.

B The mass of the object must be greater than the force of gravity.

C The force of gravity must be greater than the upward pull or push on the object.

D The upward pull or push on the object must be greater than the force of gravity.

D The upward pull or push on the object must be greater than the force of gravity.


This graph shows the motion of an animal.When does the animal remain still?

A. between second 1 and second 2

B. between second 2 and second 3

C. between second 3 and second 4

D. between second 4 and second 5

B. between second 2 and second 3


A wagon is pushed in a straight line. How would an increase in friction on the wagon wheels affect the wagon?

A It would cause the wagon to move faster.

B It would cause the wagon to change mass.

C It would cause the wagon to change direction.

D It would cause the wagon to slow down.

D It would cause the wagon to slow down.


Scientists discover an asteroid that is moving through space. What information is needed to determine the average speed of the asteroid?

A the mass and size of the asteroid

B the distance the asteroid is from Earth

C the direction the asteroid is moving and its distance from Earth

D how far the asteroid has moved in 24 hours

D how far the asteroid has moved in 24 hours


A student uses a rubber band to launch the four objects shown:

If the student pulls the rubber band back the same amount each time, which object will most likely move the fastest when launched?

A paper clip

B piece of paper

C eraser

D rubber ball

A paper clip


A student uses a bat to hit a softball with a certain force. Then she hits a heavier ball with the same force. How does the heavier ball move compared with the lighter softball?

A. Faster and farther

B. Faster and not as far

C. More slowly and farther

D. More slowly and not as far

D. More slowly and not as far


A girl walked for 30 minutes. She noticed that she traveled farther in the first 15 minutes of her walk than in the second 15 minutes. What can she conclude about her walk?

A She walked over many hills.

B Her average speed was faster during the first half of her walk.

C She walked in two different directions.

D She was walking at a constant speed.

B Her average speed was faster during the first half of her walk.


Which best explains why a bicycle slows down when its brakes are applied?

A The brakes heat the rubber on the bicycle tires.

B The brakes add energy to the bicycle.

C The brakes increase the force of gravity on the bicycle.

D The brakes cause frictional forces on the wheels of the bicycle.

D The brakes cause frictional forces on the wheels of the bicycle.


If a car is moving backward along a road, can its speed be measured?

A Yes, it can, because the car does not have friction acting on it.

B Yes, it can, because the car travels a distance in a certain amount of time.

C No, it cannot, because speed can only be measured if the car is moving forward.

D No, it cannot, because the distance traveled backward by a car cannot be measured.

B Yes, it can, because the car travels a distance in a certain amount of time.


What does the momentum of a moving train depend on?

A. Its direction

B. Its temperature

C. Its color

D. Its mass  

D. Its mass  


Rob has 4 blocks of similar shape but different masses. He applies the same force on each block to push them across a surface one at a time. 

Which block can move a greater distance in the same amount of time?

A. Block of mass 8 kg

B. Block of mass 6 kg

C. Block of mass 5 kg

D. Block of mass 3 kg

D. Block of mass 3 kg


The distance time graph shows:

A. Constant motion

B. Acceleration

C. Deceleration

D. No movement

B. Acceleration


Dave kicks a ball on the grass field at soccer practice. Later that day, he is practicing on the cement driveway of his house. He wants to kick the ball in such a way that it travels the same distance as it did at soccer practice.

How should he kick the ball?

A. Kick the ball with less strength since the grassy surface has more friction.

B.Kick the ball with less strength since the grassy surface has less friction.

C. Kick the ball with more strength since the cement surface has less friction.

D. Kick the ball with less strength since the cement surface has more friction.

A. Kick the ball with less strength since the grassy surface has more friction.


Two cars are in motion for the same amount of time. What will determine which car covers more distance?

A. The starting position of each car.

B. The speed of each car.

C. The direction in which each car moves

D. The length of each car. 

B. The speed of each car.


If you push a skateboard and start it rolling along the ground, what will most likely happen to the skateboard?

A. It will keep rolling until friction or another force stops it.

B. It will keep rolling forever.

C. It will stop rolling when it runs out of energy

D. It will roll forward and then backward. 

A. It will keep rolling until friction or another force stops it.


Your friend kicks a rolling ball with a certain force. Then you kick the same ball with a larger force. What will MOST LIKELY happen?

A. The ball will move faster and farther when your friend kicks it.

B. The ball will move faster and farther when you kick it.

C. The ball will move more slowly and father when you kick it. 

D. The ball will move faster and not as far when your friend kicks it. 

B. The ball will move faster and farther when you kick it.


Two sailboats are moving as shown in the graph below.

Which statement is correct based on the data in the graph?                                                                     A. Boat A traveled faster than Boat B.                         B. Boat B traveled faster than Boat A.                         C. Boat A traveled for a longer time than Boat B.       D. Boat B traveled for a longer time than Boat A.

A. Boat A traveled faster than Boat B.
