Newtons 1st Law
Newtons 2nd Law
Newtons 3rd Law

Give an example of a push and pull force

push - grocery shopping 

pull - holding balloons


It takes __________ force to move a large mass than it does to move a small mass.

It takes greater/more force to move a large mass than it does to move a small mass.


What is Newtons 3rd Law of Motion?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


In order to push or pull something you need __________ force. 

an unbalanced force


Newtons 1st Law is also known as the law of _______.



A greater force will move an object _____________. A smaller force will move an object _____________.

A greater force will move an object faster. A smaller force will move an object slower.


Push against the wall. Does the wall move? Explain using Newtons 3rd Law of Motion

Equal and opposite forces.


A heavy box is pushed across the carpet. A baseball player slides into home plate. What do they have in common?



Finish the sentence

An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion unless _____________________________________.

An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by a push or a pull.


It takes more force and ____________ fuel to move a _____________ object.

It takes ________ force and ____________ fuel to move a lighter object.

It takes more force and more fuel to move a heavier object.

It takes less force and less fuel to move a lighter object.


T or F

When you step on a roach, the roach applies an equal and opposite force on your foot as your foot applies to the roach.



a balanced force is _________ in size and ________ in direction.

an unbalanced force is ____________ in size and __________ in direction.

equal and opposite 

unequal and opposite


T or F

An object that is not accelerating or decelerating must have no forces acting on it.



What is Newtons 2nd Law of Motion?

The relationship between ________, ________ and _______________.

The relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.


T or F

When a large truck pushes a small car with a given force, the small car is applying an equal and opposite force on the truck.


This is why even the large truck's bumper could be compressed if it pushes with too large a force.


You are playing tug of war. On the left side is 3 players. The first player has a force of 10N. The second player has a force two times greater than the first. The third player has a force 4 more than the second. On the right side is 4 players. The first payer has a force 6 less than the second player. The second player has a force of 12N. The third player has a force 4 times greater than the first player. The last player has a force of 10N. Is the force balanced or unbalanced. Explain.

unbalanced because the forces on each side would be 54N and 52N.


What explains why an object keeps moving at the same speed in the same direction?



An object with a mass of 3.0 kg accelerates 5.0 m/s^2 when an unknown force is applied to it. What is the magnitude of the force?

Must remember units :)

F = 15 N


You and a friend are pulling on a rope in opposite directions as hard as you can. What is the "equal and opposite force" to the force of YOUR hand pulling on the rope?

a. the force of friction between the ground and your shoes

b. the force of your friend pulling on the rope in the opposite direction

c. the force of the rope pulling on your hand in the opposite direction

d. the force of the rope pulling your friends hand

c. the force of the rope pulling on your hand in the opposite direction


T or F

Gravity is pulling on you downwards with a force which we call your weight. The reason why you aren't accelerating downwards is that there is an equal and opposite force of the floor pushing you upwards that nets out against the force of gravity.. This is the "equal and opposite" force described by Newton's Third Law of Motion.


It is true that the upwards force of the floor nets against the force of gravity, but this is not the "equal and opposite" force described by Newton's Third Law.

The "equal and opposite" force described by the Third Law is the force of gravity pulling the EARTH towards you (the equal and opposite forces in the third law act on the two bodies interacting, not just on one body).
