Which answer explains how an object can be always changing its position?

A. The object is under water

B. The object is in motion

B. The object is in motion


The object that is pulled with the least amount of force will be?

A. move the slowest

B Not move at all

A. Move the slowest


A ball is rolling down a hill. Which action would slow the ball down?

A. reducing the amount of friction

B. Adding a force in the opposite direction

B. Adding a force in the opposite direction


Which example describes not having enough friction?

a. You walk through mud and your shoes get stuck?

b. You have too much lotion on your hands and your pop slips out of your hands?

b. You have too much lotion on your hands and your pop slips out of your hands.


Allen and Nick are playing pool.   Allen takes a shot. The cue ball barely goes fat enough to hit another ball.  When Nick takes a shot, the cue ball hits another ball and makes it across the table. Why is this?

A.Nick can shoot with greater force?

B. Allen can shoot with greater force?

A. Nick can shoot with greater force.


Jamie and Carlos are playing with a toy car.  Jamie gives the car a push and it moves toward Carlos. Carlos pushed the car back with a larger force than Jamie used.  What likely happened to the toy car's motion?

A. The toy car stopped moving?

B. The toy car changed direction?

B. The toy car changed direction


Cassidy and Molly are playing tug of war.  Both children begin pulling at the same time, but after a few moments, Cassidy and the rope begin moving toward Molly. Which child is pulling with the most force?

A. Cassidy if pulling with the most force

B. Molly is pulling with the most force

B. Molly is pulling with the most force


Why do you weigh more on Earth than you do on the Moon?

A. There is more gravitational pull on the Moon than the Earth?

B. There is more gravitational pull on the Earth than the Moon?

B. There is more gravitational pull on the Earth than the Moon. 


The amount of matter in an object

What is mass

The change in the position of an object

what is motion


The tendency of an object to resist change in motion

What is inertia


During our balloon rocket race, what may have allowed your balloon to increase the distance traveled? (How did the balloons go farther)

A. Really stretch out the balloon and add some water

B. Add more air in to the balloon.

B. Add more water in to the balloon.


A force between two objects rubbing against each other

What is friction


The distance an object moves per unit over time, such as miles per hour

What is speeed


The force that pulls objects towards the center of the earth

What is gravity


Which is a situation when having too much friction would be a bad thing?

A. It snows and it is hard to push your shopping cats through the snow

 B. someone just mopped the floor and you slipped and fell

A. It snowed and it is hard to push your shopping cart through the snow.


a push or a pull

What is force


The measure of gravity on an object

What is weight


During an experiment we did, you dropped balls of different shapes and sizes. What conclusion did we come up with as a result?

a. The balls all landed at the same time and have the same gravitational pull.

b. The heaviest ball landed first and had more gravitational pull. 

c. The lightest ball landed first because it had teh more gravitational pull.

a. The balls all landed at the same time and have the same gravitational pull 


The tendency of an object to resist change in motion

What is inertia
