Key Concepts
Unit Questions

a push or a pull that can change the motion of an object

What is a force?


What is required to change the velocity of an object?

 A force


How can the motion of an object that is already moving change?

An object that is already moving can stop moving, speed up, slow down or change direction.


True or False

When a car hits a bug, both the car and the bug experience the same forces.

True- only the effect is different because of the mass


Three soccer balls that have the same mass were rolling across the field. They were each kicked by a soccer player. Each ball changes speed as the result of being kicked. Which ball experienced the strongest force when kicked?

The blue soccer ball because it changed the speed the most.


the moment when two objects hit each other

What is a collision?


What causes a greater change in velocity?

A stronger (greater) force


If vehicle 1 slowed down before the collision in Iceworld Revenge, that means it experienced a velocity change.  What causes velocity change?

A force (friction)


True or False.  The more kinetic energy an object has the more energy it can transfer to another object.



Three hockey pucks all of the same mass were sliding across the ice. A player hits the puck and each puck changed speed as a result of being hit. Which puck experienced the strongest force when hit?

All three hockey pucks experienced the same strength force because they changed speed by the same amount.


speed in a given direction

What is velocity?


What happens when the same strength force is exerted on two objects, but the two objects have different masses?

The object with less mass will have a greater change in velocity or the object with greater mass will have a lesser change in velocity.


What type of force would cause an object to slow down? 

A force in the opposite direction; friction


Why does a collision with a wrecking ball knock a wall down, but a collision with a yo-yo doesn't?

The difference is all in the size and mass of the wrecking ball.


Three skiers were racing across a flat, smooth surface. The skiers in yellow and purple have the same mass, which is more mass than the skier in red. Each skier was bumped. Which experienced the strongest force?

The yellow and purple skiers; they have more mass than the red skier, but changed speed by the same amount.


a force between an object and the surface it is moving over

What is friction?


What happens when two objects collide and a force is exerted on each object?

The two forces are exerted in opposite directions, but at the same strength.


If three objects all have the same mass, experience a force, and change speed equally, which objects would experience the greatest force?

All objects would experience the same strength force because they all changed speed by the same amount. 


If an object doubles in speed, is the kinetic energy 2, 4, or 6 times greater than it was before?

4 times greater than it was before the increase in speed


There were three golf balls rolling on the ground. The yellow golf ball has less mass than the blue and white balls, which have equal mass. Each ball was hit. Which ball experienced the strongest force?

The blue and white golf balls; they have more mass than the yellow golf ball, but changed speed by the same amount.


the amount of matter that makes up an object

What is mass?


What happens when the same strength force is exerted on objects in a collision that have different masses?

If the object have different masses, then their velocities will be different.


If there are three objects moving across a smooth surface, two have the same mass and are more massive than the third, all change speed by the same amount, which object experiences the strongest force when hit?

The two objects that experience the strongest force are the more massive objects because they are more massive and change speed by the same amount.


When two pool balls collide, both balls experience the same amount of force.  What direction do the balls move in?

The opposite direction


A rubber duck crashed into two toy boats: a blue boat with less mass and an orange boat with more mass. The rubber duck was the same mass in both crashes. In which crash did the rubber duck experience a stronger force?

Crash 2; the force on the orange boat is stronger, so the force on the rubber duck is also stronger.
