Static electricity

When do magnets attract?

Magnets attract when north and south poles are facing each other.

How is static electricity similar to magnetism?

It can attract and repel objects.


What is gravity?

A force that pulls all objects down or towards the center of the Earth.


What happens when balanced forces act on an object?

The object does not move because there was no change in motion.


What is a force?

A push or pull causing movement.


When do magnets repel?

When North and North or South and South poles are facing each other.


How does static electricity attract objects?

Positive and negative charges attract.


Why does an apple stay on a table without moving?

Gravity pulls down on the apple, the table pushes up with the same force, resulting in no motion.


What happens when unbalanced forces act on a still object?

The object starts to move because there was a change in motion.


Why did the paperclip appear to be floating?

The paperclip was attracted to the magnet on the desk leg, the string was pulling the paperclip in the other direction, gravity was pulling it down. Since it was attracted to the magnet, the magnetic field made the paperclip look like it was floating.


Why do magnets not need to touch to interact?

because of the magnetic field surround the magnet


How does static electricity repel objects?

Negative and negative or positive and positive charges repel objects.


How do I know if forces are balanced or unbalanced?

Forces are balanced if there is no motion or no change in motion. Forces are unbalanced if there is motion or a change in motion.


What happens when balanced forces act on a moving object?

The object keeps moving in the same speed and direction because there was no change in motion.


If a student has a magnet on top of the table and underneath the table. He is able to move the magnet on top of the table without having to touch it just by moving the magnet underneath the table. How is this possible?

The magnets do not have to touch in order to interact.


What three things are magnets attracted to?

Iron, nickel, and cobalt


How can static electricity cause two objects to interact without touching?

There are charges that are either positive or negative that can attract or repel an object without having to touch it.


If one student pushed on a chair with 500 units of force and another student pushed on the chair with 500 units of force, what would happen to the chair? Why?

The chair would not move because forces are balanced.


What happens when unbalanced forces act on a moving object?

The object can speed up, slow down, or change direction because there was a change in motion.


If there are rocks stacked on top of each other and none of them are moving, what forces are being applied?

Gravity is pulling the rocks down, the ground is pushing up with the same force, resulting in no motion. The forces are balanced because the rocks are not moving.


What are we testing when we do an experiment adding a magnet each time and trying to pick up more washers?

the more magnets you use, the more washers you can pick up


How are magnetism and static electricity different?

With magnetism the way the magnet is facing matters. With static electricity it does not.


What would happen if one student pushed on a chair with 750 units of force and another student pushed on a chair with 500 units of force, what would happen to the chair? Why?

The chair would move in the direction of the student pushing with 500 units of force. This would happen because the student pushing with 750 units of force is applying more force so the forces are unbalanced and the chair will move towards the weaker force.


When objects are at rest or not moving, do they still have forces acting on them?

Yes, the forces are just balanced.


How can the butterfly appear to be floating in the jar?

The butterfly appears to be floating because the student created static electricity. Static electricity is the build up of an electrical charge on the surface of an object. The lid could have been rubbed against something like a balloon or carpet and had a build up of electrons. These attract the butterfly to the lid which makes it look like it is floating.
