Forces and Motion
A push or pull on something.
What is force?

If you were observing and measuring the motion of toy jumping frogs, you would know that the jumping frogs had moved because the frogs will have done this.

What is changed position?


Mrs. Lugo rolled a marble across the floor to Mrs. Spivey. What force started the ball rolling? (balanced force, unbalanced force, gravity, friction)

What is an unbalanced force?


In order for an object to change its speed or direction, an  ____________    ____________ must act upon the object. 

What is an unbalanced force? 


If two identical toy trucks that  are pushed with the same force, and one truck is on tile, and one is one thick carpet, which truck with go farther? Why? 

What is the truck on the tile, because there is less friction applied. 


Force that acts on an object when it rubs against another object and opposes motion 

What is friction?


In order to change the motion of objects, you would have to apply this. 

What is an unbalanced force?

Billy is pushing a large box of books up a ramp.  How can he adjust the box so that it takes less FORCE to push the box? 

What is decrease the mass of the box by taking books out. 

Give three ways you could cause a rolling marble to take a longer time to travel from one end of a table to another.
What is friction, lower ramp, obstacles such as clay or blocks, etc.?

The measure of how much an object weighs.

What is mass?


a force that is a pull between one (usually) large object and other objects; the objects DO NOT need to be touching 

What is gravity?


Kim hits two golf balls that both have the same mass, how can she hit one ball farther than the other?  

What is she can swing harder at one of the balls, which increases the force that is applied. 

Friction is a force caused by___________.
What is surfaces rubbing against one another?

Frank is trying to pull a heavy box across the floor. This force that is touching the box, is making it difficult. 

What is friction? 


A ball sitting on a table will remain there, until....

What is acted upon by an unbalanced force. 


a push or a pull that creates a change in motion

What is a unbalanced force?


In a game of tug-o-war, both teams are pulling the rope and the rope is staying in the same place.  What is this an example of? 

What are balanced forces? 


Jackson was investigating the use of magnets to move objects. He observed that some objects moved toward the magnets without having to touch them. Jackson's observation can be described like this: The _______ ________ produced a ___-________ _________ that moves objects over a distance.

What is magnetic field and non-contact force?


Two forces that do not need to touch the object they act upon? 

What are gravity and magnetic force?


The second half of Newton's First Law of Motion states: An object in _______ in a straight line tends to ______ _____ _______ in a straight line unless acted upon by _____________ __________.

What is motion, stay in motion, another force (or outside force)?


This exists when all the forces acting on an object result in the object staying at rest or moving at a constant speed in the same direction.

What is balanced force?


Name the 3 forces that oppose or decrease a change in motion on an object.

What is gravity, friction, or air resistance, ?


Mike and Jim are pushing two boxes of on the same tile floor. They are both using the exact same amount of force, but Mike is moving more quickly than Jim. How is Mike moving more quickly? 

What is Mike's box has less mass than Jim's 


Billy and Bob were testing the flight of paper airplanes as they tossed them across the school gym. The airplanes flew across the gym and then came to a rest on the floor. The four forces that affected the flight of the paper airplane were......

What is gravity, air resistance, drag, and a pushing force to start moving the paper airplane?


You can describe an object sitting at rest on the ground as follows: The ______ of the object on the ground is _________ with the ________ of the ground on the object.

What is force, balanced, and force?
