Scientific Variables
(Forces 1)
Push and Pull
(Forces 2)
The Force Awakens
(Forces 3)
In Motion
(Forces 4)
Use the force
(Forces 5)

Definition for an independent variable

What is the test variable?

The heavier an object, the more __________ is required to stop it.
What is force?

If the net force acting on an object is 0, then the object has a _________ force.

According to Newton,an object in motion will do this.
What is stay in motion?

A car and a large truck are rolling down a hill. Which will take more force to stop it?

The truck because it has more mass


Definition for dependent variable

The variable that gets measured and is the outcome or the effect


This is a factor that affects kinetic energy

What is mass and speed


An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by 

What is an unbalanced force?


When it requires more force to get a bowling ball to accelerate rather than a soccer ball, this is an example of Newton's  ________ law.

What is 2nd 


A soccer ball that was sitting still on the grass and gets kicked by a player is an example of Newton's ____ law.

What is 1st?


Definition for a control variable

Variable that remains constant (the same) in the experiment


Team A is pulling to the LEFT with 500 N and Team B is pulling to the RIGHT with 600 N. What is the net force and direction?

What is 100 N to the right


A rocket is an example of Newton's ____ law

What is 3rd?

Amaya pushes with 20 Newtons of force towards Tyler and Tyler pushes with 40 Newtons of force towards Amaya. The net force is __________ and the box will move towards ________.  

20 Newtons

Towards Amaya

Which law of motion is responsible for when you step forward off a boat and the boat pushes backwards?

What is the Newton's 3rd law of motion?


How many variables can be tested at one time in an experiment

only ONE test variable or change in an experiment, more than one will result in invalid data


What is the unit of measurement for force?

What is Newtons

What unit of measurement do we use for Energy?
According to Newton's 3rd Law,for every action there is this.
What is an equal and opposite reaction?

System A-Two players colliding, System B-A player getting hit by a ball, System C-A player falling to the ground 

Which system has the LEAST amount of total kinetic energy? Which system would have the MOST Kinetic energy and force?

LEAST-System C because the ground does not have KE (energy of motion)

MOST-System A both have more KE (due to speed and mass)


Homer hears about a new Coconut shower cleaner and decides to check this claim out by spraying half of his shower with the new coconut cleaner. He sprays the other half of his shower with bleach shower cleaner. Identify the Independent and Dependent variables?

IV-the type of shower cleaner

DV- how clean the shower is

In a vacuum, a feather and a bowling ball are dropped from the same height at the same time. This describes the order of how the two objects will land.
What is they will land at the same time in a VACUUM.

A golf ball rolls down a ramp at 5 feet per second. This is how far it will travel in 5 seconds if it maintains the same speed.

What is 25 feet

Force = Mass x _______________.
What is acceleration?

What is when an object's tendency of matter is to resist a change in motion?

What is inertia?