Newton's Laws
Velocity and Acceleration
The Egg Drop
Philadelphia Trivia
Newton's 1st Law says that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion until acted on by an outside Force. What is another name for Newton's 1st Law?
Bill runs 40 meters in 8 seconds. What is his velocity?
5 m/s
What is the name of the Force that always acts opposite the direction of motion?
What two Forces were acting on the egg as it fell? For most projects, which of these two Forces was greater?
Friction (smaller) and Gravity (greater)
Name any two of the three sports stadiums/arenas where the Phillies, Flyers, Sixers, and Eagles play.
Citizens Bank Park, Lincoln Financial Field, Wells Fargo Center
Newton's 3rd Law says that for every action Force there is an ____________ and ___________ reaction Force.
equal and opposite
Kwayera is driving with a speed of 5 m/s and then accelerates to a speed of 13 m/s in 2 seconds. Calculate her acceleration.
4 m/s2
If an object is at rest on a solid surface, what are the two Forces acting on the object? Are they balanced or unbalanced? Why?
Normal (up) and Gravity (down). Balanced b/c not accelerating.
If a project had a parachute, explain (using specific Forces) why it went slower.
It had a greater Force of Friction
Who is on the statue on top of City Hall? Why is he famous/important?
William Penn - founder of Pennsylvania
According to Newton's 2nd Law, if an equal amount of Force is applied to a 1,000 kg truck and a 0.5 kg toy car, which will accelerate more and why?
The toy car because it has less mass
What is the difference between positive acceleration and negative acceleration?
Positive acceleration means the object is speeding up. Negative acceleration means the object is slowing down.
What is the name of the Force that is holding you up in your seat right now?
Normal Force
Eggs with a lot of cushioning were able to survive, because when they hit the ground the egg felt (more/less) Force because the impact happened over a (shorter/longer) time.
Less : Longer
Name any three major streets that go from East to West in between South Street and Chestnut Street. There are 6 total. For 100 points each, name the other three.
Sansom, Walnut, Locust, Spruce, Pine, Lombard
Which of Newton's Laws is demonstrated in the famous magic trick where a tablecloth is quickly pulled out from underneath a table full of silverware? Explain.
Newton's 1st Law. Objects at rest stay at rest unless acted on by an outside Force.
Salahadin is driving with a speed of 40 m/s and then slows down and comes to a stop after 2 seconds. What is his acceleration?
-20 m/s2
If you threw a medicine ball while floating in outer space, explain what would happen to your body and why.
You'd be pushed in the opposite direction b/c of Newton's 3rd Law (Action-Reaction)
Shatara's egg had an Impulse of 40 kgm/s and an impact time of 0.1 seconds. Shania's egg had an Impulse of 40 kgm/s and an impact time of 0.01 seconds. Which egg Felt a greater Force of impact?
Shania's : It had less time
What Philadelphia native is the only NBA player to ever score 100 points in a single game? For an extra 100 points, where did he go to High School?
Wilt Chamberlain, Overbrook
Explain how Newton's 3rd Law can be applied to the motion of a swimmer.
The swimmer pushes back on the water, therefore the water pushes the swimmer forward. Action and reaction.
Malikah walks 4 meters in 2 seconds, stops for 3 seconds, then walks 6 meters in 5 seconds. Gabrielle walks 12 meters in 10 seconds. Which student walked with a faster average speed and by how much?
Gabrielle was faster by 0.2 m/s
Carese is driving a motorcycle with a constant velocity to the right. Name all four forces (with directions) acting on the motorcycle. Are they balanced or unbalanced? Why?
Applied (right) : Normal (up) : Gravity (down) : Friction (left) : Balanced (constant speed)
Brianna and Amiyah used very similar egg drop devices. They had the same mass and same amount and type of padding. Brianna's was in the air for 1.5 seconds and Amiyah's was in the air for 0.8 seconds. Give one possible reason why Brianna's was in the air for a greater period of time AND which student's egg is more likely to survive and why?
Brianna's had a parachute or a gliding design. Brianna's is more likely to survive because it was slower, therefore it hit the ground with less Force.
The oldest botanical garden in the United States is located in Southwest Philadelphia. What is the name of this botanical garden?
Bartram's Garden