Types of Forces
Speed, Velocity, & Acceleration
Graphs of Distance & Time
Net Force

This type of force causes an object to move

What is an unbalanced force?


This type of force occurs when two surfaces rub together. Prevents or slows motion.

What is Friction


The speed of an object in a particular direction

What is velocity?


The Y-axis on a distance and time graph.

What is distance?


Averi is pushing a box, left, with a force of 250 Newtons. Dy'nisha is on the other side pushing towards Averi, right, with a force of 125 N. What is the Net force and direction of movement of the box?

What is 125 N towards the left. 


A basketball flying through the air and suddenly coming to a complete stop as it jams between the hoop and backboard is an example of a:

What is a balanced force?


A push or a pull

What is a force?


Distance divided by Time is the equation for:

What is Speed or Velocity (if you know the direction of motion)


Draw a graph that shows data for the following story: The bell rings on the last day of school. Jason runs home as fast he can for 30 minutes. He runs into Selena and they sit and talk with one another for one hour. Selena says goodbye and Jason walks home the rest of the way for 2 hours. Jason lives very far away.

Steeply downward for a short period of time, resting for twice as long, and a gradual downward line to the zero axis twice as long as the rest.


A box is being pressed on all four sides by different forces. Upward: 10 N, Downward: 10 N, Left: 20 N, Right: 50 N. What is the direction of motion and the Net force causing the motion of the box?

What is 30 N right.


A soccer ball sits on the floor undisturbed until an earthquake causes it to roll toward the wall and stop in the corner. True or False: The ball spent most of it's time in motion, unbalanced.

What is false? It was most often balanced and not moving.

This is the measurement of gravity's effect on an object.

What is weight?


If an equal force acts on a pencil and a textbook, this object will have the greater acceleration, and send it flying off the desk top. 

What is the pencil.


Draw a graph that represents the following story: Kelly and Vy plan to meet at Kelly's house and then get a ride to see a movie. Vy walks the 2 mile distance at a constant speed and it takes her 30 minutes. Kelly is at Chic-fil-A, one mile from home, for fifteen minutes and then makes it home at a constant speed for fifteen minutes. 

Two lines, one heading down in a straight diagonal line from 2 miles to zero over 30 minutes. The other stays at 1 mile for 15 minutes and then a straight diagonal line downward for 15 minutes.


A box is being pressed on all sides by different forces. Upward: 60 N, Downward: 50 N, Left: 100 N, Right: 100 N. What is the net force and direction of movement?

What is 10 N upward?


Equal forces that act on an object and cancel each other out. 

What is a balanced force?


This force is exerted upward by solid surfaces to prevent objects from passing through each other.

What is normal force?


A plane takes off from Tampa International airport. It travels South East at approximately 500 miles per hour for 2 hours before landing.

What is velocity?


Draw a graph to describe the following:

Gregory's football coach has the team run from the 50 yard line to the 0 yard line to the 50 yard line to the 0 yard line to the 50 yard line to the 0 yard line

A graph that goes upwards rapidly and downwards rapidly repeatedly.


What is the Net force and direction of motion of the object? 

100 N left, 100 N right, 2 N downward, 2 N upward

What is the object is balanced and does not move?

Jalen pushes against a rock with 1000 N of force but is unable to overcome this characteristic of the rock.

What is intertia?


This type of force increases when two additional forces pull in opposite directions on an object. (Think: Rope or abandoned sweater)

What is tension force?


A car is traveling at 80 miles per hours on the highway (Danger, Danger) but exits onto a ramp and has to slow down to 40 miles per hour as the ramp forces the car to make a circle towards the right.

What is acceleration?


Create a graph to describe the following story:

Mr. Lopez leaves home and drives to work going 60 miles per hour (in a 40 mph zone cause he's late) and makes it to work in 30 minutes. He stays at work for four hours and then drives home over 1 hour. 

The graph should show a steep line going from zero miles on the Y-axis to 30 miles over 30 minutes. The horizontal line should continue for 4 hours and the 30 mile mark and then gradually return to the zero point on the x-axis over 1 hour.  

Miranda and Shay are playing tug of war. 

1. Miranda pulls left with a force of 500 N, Shay pulls left with a force of 200 N.

2. Miranda pulls left with a force of 789 N, Shay pulls left with a force of 1000 N. 

3. Miranda, exhausted, pulls left with a force of 383 N, Shay pulls with a force of 1000 N. 

What are the net forces and of each round of the game and who won? 

Miranda and Shay won all three games as they were both pulling left against nothing. 

1. 700 N

2. 1789 N

3. 1383 N
