Unbalanced Force
Balanced Force
Energy and Machines
Factors that Affect Motion
Building and Using Models
_____ are forces that have a net force that is not zero.
What is unbalanced forces?
____ forces that have net force of zero.
What is balanced force?
Forces require, __________, the capacity to do work.
What is energy?
The tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion (resistence to change) is called __________.
What is inertia?
________ is imagining and creating the way to solve a problem. The first step to a finding a solution.
What is design.
Unbalanced forces ________ an object or objects to a different position.
What is move?
An object resting on a table shoes no movement because _________ is pulling on the apple while the table is holding it up.
What is gravity?
Something that replaces human effort is called a _____.
What is a machine?
A moving object has ________, the product of mass and velocity of an object. Example: A moving train has more _____ than a moving soccer ball.
What is momentum?
A new product has the following limits: -must be strong -must be able to stay together when heated -must be reflective (shiny) What would be the best material for this product? a. plastic b. wood c. paper d. metal
What is d. metal?
A net force of ________ shows that the forces are unbalanced.
What is any number other than zero?
If the net force is _______, the forces are said to be balanced.
What is zero?
_________ the force that pulls all objects on Earth toward the center of Earth and affect's motion. Energy is needed to act against this force.
What is gravity?
When a soccer ball is moving, the ground is pushing against the ball and slows it down. This force is called _____.
What is friction?
Designs must be tested and do not need to be as expensive as building the real thing. Instead, scientists uses __________ to see and observe how the design would work.
What are models?
A ball has two forces acting on it. One force is pushing it to the left, and a larger force is pushing it to the right. In which direction, will the ball move?
What is right?
A dog and his owner are pulling on a leash. If neither is moving, what do you know about the forces pulling on the leash?
What is balanced forces or equal.
A light bulb changes electrical energy to light and _____ energy.
What is heat?
Friction acts in the ____________ opposite direction in which the ball is moving.
What is opposite?
Before you design something, you must found out the ___________, such as weight or height.
What are the limits?
The direction of motion is always in the direction of the ______ force?
What is larger?
A person is pushing a box towards the left with a force of 20 newtons. Another person is pulling the box to the left with a force of 40 newton. The net force will move to the _______ with a force of ________ newtons.
What is left and 60 newtons.
A windmill uses energy from __________ to move and sometimes can create electricty.
What is moving air?
An airplane fights friction from the __________.
What is air?
After you idenifty the limits, drew the design, chosen the materials, and made the model you need to ________ to see how it works in situations.
What is a test?