Newton's Laws
Net Forces
Inertia + Friction
The law that says Sophie will stay in her seat unless an unbalanced force moves her.
What is Newton's 1st Law?
If an object in motion suddenly stops moving, it is said to have been acted upon by these kinds of forces.
What are unbalanced forces?
As the car you're riding in takes a sharp turn to the left, your body leans to the right because of this.
What is inertia?
An object's momentum is a product of it's ______________ and ______________.
What is mass and velocity.
Mr. Hoffman and his 8 year-old daughter go ice skating, and they both slip and fall. He hits the ice with much more force, and this law explains why he gets a bigger bruise from the force of the ice hitting his knee.
What is Newton's 3rd Law?
Newton's 3rd Law says that these forces are always equal and opposite.
What is action and reaction forces?
A space satellite keeps moving at a constant velocity, meaning the speed and direction do not change. It is being acted upon by these kinds of forces.
What are balanced forces?
This force is what interferes with a sky diver's free-fall towards earth.
What is air resistance or "fluid friction"?
A 1 kg soccer ball can have more momentum than a 20 kg couch if it has enough _______________.
What is velocity?
The more highly textured and softer material of a winter snow tire increases this force between the car and the road.
What is friction?
Andrew takes a 3-point shot with 135 N of force. This is the force that the basketball exerts back on Andrew as he shoots.
What is 135 N?
Peter and Victor play tug of war, each pulling with 75 N of force in opposite directions. This is their total net force.
What is 0 N?
A large, heavily-loaded log truck and a Toyota Prius are parked next to each other. Even though they are not moving, the log truck still has more of these two things.
What are mass and inertia?
A 10 kg backpack and a 20 kg backpack are dropped from a second story window. This object has less momentum.
What is the 10 kg backpack?
Two friends are ice skating, and shove each other in opposite directions with an equal amount of force. They both accelerate equally away from each other because they have _____________.
What is equal mass and/or inertia?
According to Newton's 2nd Law, equal force applied to objects of equal mass will cause this to happen.
What is equal acceleration?
Alanna and Fiona pull a sled in the same direction, with a total net force of 250 N. If Alanna pulls with 135 N of force, this is the force of Fiona's pull on the sled.
What is 115 N?
A 12 kg bowling ball and a 10 kg bowling ball are both rolling at 10 m/s east. Because of it's inertia, this ball will slow down more quickly.
What is the 10 kg bowling ball?
Two sleds are shoved down a hill. One has a mass of 2 kg and a velocity of 3 m/s. If the other sled's mass was only 1 kg, it would need a velocity of more than ________ to have greater momentum.
What is 6 m/s?
If jet airplane is moving at a constant velocity of 400 km/hr at an altitude of 10,000 m above sea level, Newton's 1st Law say that the forces acting upon the jet must be __________.
What is balanced?
If car A is accelerating faster than car B with an equal amount of force, Newton's 2nd Law says that car A must have this.
What is less mass?
These kinds of forces are required to produce a non-zero total net force.
What are unbalanced forces?
A 75,000 kg airplane sits completely motionless on the airport runway, and then accelerates to prepare for takeoff. We can say that the forces acting on the plane changed from _____________ to ________________.
What is balanced to unbalanced.
If Dylan is running and has a mass of 60 kg and a velocity of 6 m/s, a 10 kg ball could have more momentum if it was traveling at more than this velocity.
What is 36 m/s?
Jude and Josh are each exerting 35 N of force to push on a small pencil with a mass of 1 g. If the pencil does not move at all, this is the total net force.
What is 0 N?