Gravity, Motion & Momentum
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
What is the equation use to calculate a change in velocity?
change in V=g(t)
What is Newton's First Law?
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Mass equals force times acceleration. True or false?
What is false. Force = mass time acceleration
For every __________ there is a _____________ and ____________ reaction.
action, equal, opposite
The motion of an object when only the force of gravity is acting on it.
What is free fall?
Give an example of the force of air resistance and explain why.
Possible Answer: A sky diver using a parachute. The parachute has more surface are.
Give an example of an object at rest, the unbalanced force and the motion of the object.
Possible answer: A golf ball sitting on a tee, the club hits the ball, the ball flies through the air and falls because of gravity.
What unit of measurement is force expressed in?
What is Newtons?
What is the equal action and reaction when you sit in your chair?
Your body exerts a force DOWN on the chair. The chair exerts a force UP on your body.
The curved path that an object follows when thrown, launched or projected near the Earth's surface.
What is projectile motion?
A golf ball and a bowling ball are moving at the same velocity. Which of the two has more momentum and why?
The bowling ball has more momentum because it has more mass.
Why do we continue to fall forward when a car quickly comes to a stop?
Inertia causes our bodies to want to continue moving.
Will an apple with a mass of 1 kg and a watermelon with a mass of 10 kg accelerate to the ground with the same force?
No. The watermelon will have a force of 98N and the apple with have a force of 9.8N.
Give an example of a force pair.
A baseball pushing a bat backwards why the ball is pushed forward; a bird's wings pushing the air down while the air pushes the bird up; a fish's fins pushing the water back as the water pushes the fish forward
A quantity defined as the product of the mass and velocity of an object.
What is momentum?
The law of conservation of momentum states that any time objects collide, the total amount of momentum changes. True or false?
What is FALSE. The momentum stays the same.
Describe the relationship between mass and inertia.
The more mass an object has, the more inertia.
What is the relationship between the force on an object and the object's acceleration?
The acceleration increases as the force increases.
True or false: The force of gravity between Earth and a falling object is a force pair.
What is true?
The rate at which velocity changes over time.
What is acceleration?
An acorn at rest falls from an oak tree. It takes 3 seconds for it to hit the ground. What is the acorns velocity when it hits the ground?
V = 29.4 m/s
What type of friction would it be if a feather is floating slowly to the Earth.
What is fluid friction?
Calculate the force acting on your 6kg backpack.
What is 58.8 N
Describe why a rocket launching applies to Newton's 3rd law.
Various fuels are burned in the engine, producing hot gases. The hot gases push against the inside tube of the rocket and escape out the bottom of the tube. As the gases move downward, the rocket moves in the opposite direction.
The tendency of an object to resist changes in its velocity: whether in motion or motionless.
What is inertia?