Name That Force!
Three Laws of Motion
A change in position over time.
What is motion?
A skydiver jumps out of a plane.
What is free fall/gravity?
Movement forward is in the ____________ direction. Movement backwards is in the _____________ direction.
What is positive and negative?
A baseball hit with a bat will go farther than a bowling ball hit with a bat.
What is SLM?
From the lab yesterday, describe the boingy ball in terms of the SLM
It had mass so when you applied a force to it, the ball accelerated.
Macy falls on a patch of ice
What is inertia?
A soccer ball, ignoring friction, has balanced or unbalanced forces
What is balanced?
I pull a slinky apart. It stretches out then springs back.
What is TLM?
Tell how the first and second laws are connected.
The SLM tells how much force needs to be applied to make an object at rest begin to move.
A force that opposes motion
What is friction?
The wheels on a car make it move forward when they hit the ground.
What is friction?
A space ship taking off has ______________ forces.
What is unbalanced?
According to the FLM, what happens if an astronaut is floating in space where there is no gravity
What is he continues in that direction until he hits something?
How is the TLM connected to the SLM?
The action is applying the force, the reaction is the acceleration. The actions is acceleration, the reaction is the resulting force.
This says an object with momentum will transfer its momentum during a collision. Momentum is neither created or destroyed.
What is Law of Conservation of Momentum
A balloon deflates and starts flying all around the room. Name all the forces acting on the balloon.
What is thrust and air resistance/friction
A 10 kg box and a 25 kg box collide at the same acceleration. The 10 kg box is moving right, the 25 kg box is moving left. The net force will move to the _____________________. Explain.
What is left because the 25 kg box has a greater mass which means it has a greater force.
According to the SLM, when a football player kicks a balloon and a football __________________________________ (what happens?)
What is the football goes farther because it has more mass.
Describe how the three laws of motion are all present in pushing the styrofoam ball.
It was at rest until you blew on it (unbalanced force). It has mass and you applied a force so it accelerated. The action was you blowing on the ball, the reaction was it swinging back.
The slope of a velocity/time graph.
What is acceleration
Forces are measured in ____________. This is equal to kg x m/s/s.
What is a Newton?
Boz starts running after a car. Describe his motion from when he starts running until he comes back.
He accelerated in the positive direction chasing the car. When he didn't catch it, he decelerated to stopping. He turned in the negative direction and accelerated back to Ms. Davis before decelerating to stop.
According to the TLM, what happens when two ice skaters collide at full speed
What is they will hit and then go backwards (or in the direction of the greater force)
From the lab, describe all three laws present in the crashing balls.
The two balls were in motion until they hit each other, then they moved in a different direction because of an unbalanced force. The two balls had mass and acceleration so they hit each other with a force and momentum. The action was the two balls colliding, the reaction was the balls rolling in a different direction.