Mass vs. Weight
Unbalanced forces cause?
What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?
Every action force has an equal and opposite reaction force.
What is the definition of mass?
The amount of matter in an object
Which has more inertia, a bowling ball or notebook?
Bowling ball, because it has more mass.
What is speed? And how is it different from velocity?
Speed is distance over time and velocity is a vector so direction matters.
If you have two objects with different masses and you apply the same force to them what will you notice about their acceleration? How do you know?
The object with the smaller mass will have a greater acceleration. Can be seen using Newton's second law of motion F=m x a
A ball has a mass of 1.5kg and has a velocity of 2m/s. What is the balls momentum?
What is 3kg x m/s
What is weight?
weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity
Which has more inertia the ball being thrown at 6m/s or the ball being thrown at 2 m/s?
They have the same amount of inertia because inertia is based on mass only.
What is the definition of acceleration? And what are the three ways an object can accelerate?
Acceleration is change is velocity over change in time. Speed up, Slow down, change direction
How much force must you apply to an object that has a mass of 4kg to accelerate 2m/s/s? (You must show ALL work.)
8 N F=m x a F = 4kg x 2m/s/s F= 8N
What is momentum? (include the equation)
The measure of mass in motion. Momentum is mass times velocity. p=m x v
Your __________ is different in space than on earth. Why?
Weight. There is less gravity.
What is the definition of inertia?
The resistance of an object to a change in its motion.
What is the speed of a car that travels 50 meters in 10 seconds? (Show all work.)
5 m/s S=d/t S=50m/10 s S=5m/s
What is the acceleration of a 5kg object when a force of 20 newtons? (Show all work.)
a= 4m/s/s F=m x a 20N= 5kg x a 20/5= 4m/s/s
Explain why the balloons from our balloon races moved.
The action force of the air coming out of the balloon cause an equal and opposite reaction force of the balloon moving forward.
If an object has a mass of 80kg what is its weight on Earth?
800 newtons
What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion?
Objects at rest remain at rest and objects in motion remain in motion with the same velocity, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Which has more momentum, a 2kg ball moving with a velocity of 3 m/s, or a 4 kg ball moving at 1 m/s? (hint: use the momentum equation).
*Ball 1: Ball 2: p=mv p=mv p=2kg x 3m/s p=4kg x 1m/s p= 6kgm/s p=4kgm/s
If an object has balanced forces acting on it, what do we know about how it is traveling?
Balanced forces cause constant velocity, the object will not accelerate.
What is conservation of momentum and give an example.
The total momentum of a system of objects does not change, as long as no outside forces are acting on that system. Newtons cradle transferring the momentum from one ball to the others.
What is the mass of a 50kg object in space and how do you know this?
50kg, mass does not change in space because it is not gravity dependent.
Using the words inertia and unbalanced force. Explain why when you slam on the breaks in car your body lurches forward.
When you slam on the brakes in a car you are applying an unbalanced force to the car, which results in the car accelerating (slowing down). Because of inertia, the resistance to an object to a change in its motion, your body wants to keep moving at the same speed it was before the car braked.
If a child is sledding down a hill with a momentum of 1500kg*m/s and hits a kid on another sled who was sitting still, what is their over all momentum after the collision?
1500kg*m/s Because of the conservation of momentum no momentum would be lost from the system and since the second child had a zero velocity he would contribute no momentum to the system.