It Moves
It's Relative
The Science of It
Figure it Out
Do you Remember?
All kinds of objects __________
What is move
an object is in motion if its distance from another object, called _____________ is changing
What is reference point
A push or a pull
What is force
A mouse runs at 20 kilometer in 4 hours. A snail crawls 12 kilometers in 4 hours. Suppose the mouse runs and the snail crawls starting at the same time. How much farther will the faster of the two travel in about two hrs.
What is 2 kilometers
What is an ecosystem?
What is all the living and nonliving things in an environment
________ is the change in the position of an object
What is motion
When riding in a car, you pass trees. The trees seem like they are moving but you know they are not. The trees are the_______________ __________
What is reference point
The measure of force
What is Newton
An elephant runs 30 kilometers in 3 hrs and a jaguar runs 60 kilometers in 3 hrs. Suppose the jaguar runs and the elephant runs at the same time. How much farther will the faster of the two travel.
What is 10 kilometers
a bird is an example of what in an ecosystem?
What is living thing
An object's motion can be described in two terms __________ and ________
What is speed and direction
How fast or slow an object moves is called its
What is speed
This force that acts against motion happens when objects rub together
What is friction
If lightning travels at 100 kilometers in 5 hrs. Thunder rolls in 50 kilometers 5 hrs. How fast would the storm come depending on the rate of how fast the thunder rolls after the lightning strikes?
What is 10 kilometers
A pencil is an example of what in an ecosystem? Explain your answer.
What is living and nonliving, because a tree lives once it is cut down it is nonliving. Therefore a pencil is the product of a living thing.
You know you are moving because:
What is your position changes or changing positions
Moving north, south, east , west are an object's
What is direction
Another force that acts against motion happens when it pulls objects down toward the earth
What is gravity
If you are standing on the ground and a truck passes you. Which is the reference point? Explain your answer
What is You, because you are standing still while the truck is moving. The reference point is always still.
A series of steps by which energy moves from one type of living thing to another is called a ___________ __________
What is food chain
When you are in a car and not moving, another car speeds up beside you and you feel like you are moving but you are not. You have experienced
What is relative motion
The change in one object's position compared with another is called______ ______
What is relative motion
This is what causes an object to continue to move once it starts to move
What is inertia
Are you in motion relative to your desk? Explain your answer
What is No, because my position is not changing.
There are three types of energy roles in an ecosystem producer is one. What are the other two?
What is consumer and decomposer