Energy Conversions
Energy & Net Force
Energy & Net Force
What is a change in position relative to a reference point, such as north, south, east, west, up, or down.
What is motion?
What is a push or pull exerted on an object in order to change the motion of the object; force has size and direction?
What is force?
What is a comparison of the amount of energy before a conversion with the amount of useful energy after a conversion?
What is energy efficiency?
What is the combination of all the forces acting on an object?
What is net force?
Give two examples of objects that are unbalanced.
What is dogs playing tug of war and a bus turning a corner?
What is the distance travelled by an object divided by the time taken to travel the distance?
What is speed?
What is the ability to do work?
What is energy?
What is the energy conversion of a hair dryer: electrical energy to _________ energy?
What is thermal?
How do you dtermine the net forces that act in the same direction?
What is add the forces?
Compare and contrast balanced and unbalanced forces.
What is balanced forces are equal and opposite and unbalanced forces cause a change in direction or speed. Both of these forces can be applied to Newton's first and second law of motion.
What is the speed of an object in a particular direction?
What is velocity?
What is the energy of an object that is due to the object's motion?
What is kinetic energy?
What is the energy conversion of an alarm clock: electrical energy to ______________ energy?
What is mechanical?
What is the net force on an object when you combine a force of 7N north with a force of 5N south?
What is 2 N north?
Describe the flow of energy from the Sun to the fuel tank of an automobile.
What is the gasoline in the fuel tank of an automobile has chemical energy that converts into mechanical energy that makes the car move. There is some thermal energy that is produced through the exhaust pipe & radiator and is not used to do work. There is chemical energy in the Sun that converts to light & thermal energy. This thermal energy like the fuel tank of a car is not used to do work.
How can velocity change?
What is by changing speed or changing direction?
What is the energy that an object has because of its position, shape, or condition of the object?
What is potential energy?
What is the energy conversion of a battery: chemical energy to _____________ energy?
What is electrical?
How many newtons does an object must have to be balanced?
What is 0 N (Newtons)?
A bus is moving at a constant velocity of 30 m/s, how can it change its velocity and become unbalanced?
What is by increasing its velocity or turning a corner?
Explain where the potential and kinetic energy is on top of a roller coaster hill and going down the hill and how some of the mechanical energy changes into thermal energy? What is the name of this law?
What is as the cars go up and down the hills on the track, their potential energy in converted into kinetic energy and back again. On a roller coaster, some mechanical energy is always converted into thermal energy because of friction. This is the law of conservation of energy.
What is the energy conversion of a light bulb: electrical energy to ___________ and __________ energy?
What is light and thermal?
How are newer cars more efficient than older cars?
What is newer cars have a smooth, aerodynamic shape and the smooth shape reduced friction between the car and the surrounding air?