What is a force?
A push or a pull.
What is muscular force? Provide an example of muscular force.
The force created through the use of your muscles.
Answers will vary.
What are the four ways you can change a force?
You can change its speed, direction, distance, and shape.
Provide 2 examples of natural forces or forces in nature.
Landslide, soil erosion, tornado, volcano, etc.
Seatbelt, knee pads, live vest, helmet, etc.
True or False: A force can make an object stop or start moving.
What is friction? Provide an example of friction.
Answers vary.
Provide an example of how you can change the shape of something by using force.
Ex. you can use muscular force to roll snow into the shape for a snowman.
Answer vary.
Wind, Water, and human forces cause soil erosion.
True or False: a magnet will attract a gold ring.
False (gold is not a type of metal it attracts)
True or False: a force can change an object in only one way.
False, it can change it in many different ways.
What is gravity? Provide an example of gravity.
The force that pulls objects with a mass towards Earth or the ground.
Answers vary.
Provide an example of how you can change the speed of an object by using force.
Ex. I can make a ball roll fast by throwing or kicking it.
Answers vary.
Which force makes a landslide occur?
True or False: Lightning is an example of friction.
False (electrostatic force or static force)
What is an example of a pushing force? What is an example of a pulling force?
Answers will vary.
What is electrostatic or static force? Provide an example.
The push or pull force that occurs with charged objects.
Answers vary.
Provide an example of how you can change the distance of something by using a force.
Ex. A rip current or undertow can pull you into the ocean and bring you further away from shore.
Answers Vary.
What three natural things cause a landslide?
Rain, floods, and earthquakes
What is the difference between high and low friction?
Bonus: can you provide an example of low friction?
High friction means you do not slip where low friction means the surface is more slippery. (low means go)
Bonus: socks on tile floor, wax on the floor at the bowling alley, sliding down a slide.
How does a force become balanced? (hint: push & pull)
When two forces are pushing against each other or pulling away from each other with the same strength.
What is magnetic force? Provide an example of magnetic force.
Answer vary.
Provide an example of how a force can change the direction of something.
Answers Vary.
What is a tornado?
A column of air that spins very quickly.
What does it mean when forces are unbalanced?
It means there will be movement- one force is stronger than the other.