Force Diagrams
Force Finder
Energy Transfer
Finding an Unknown
Physics Trivia

The force diagram for a car at rest on a hill. 

What is gravity vector going down, normal force vector going perpendicular to the ground, friction vector parallel to ground going, to the right?


A frisbee with a mass of 0.16 kg is thrown at 12 meters per second squared. The force on the frisbe is...

What is

F = m x a

F = 0.16 kg x 12 m/s2

F = 1.92 N ?


Identify the energy types present in this image: 

What is chemical energy and radiant (light) energy? 

Bonus: What is sound energy (when the crack)?


The product of mass and velocity.

What is the formula for momentum? 


This physicist found that the universe is expanding

Who is Hubble?


The force diagram for a parachuter:

What is a gravity vector pointing down, an air resistance vector pointing up, and tension vectors going diagonally up from each "shoulder"?


A 50 kg skater pushed by a friend accelerates 5 meters per second squared. This is the force that the friend applied. 

What is

F = m x a

F = 50 kg x 5 m/s2

F= 250 (kg x m)/s2



The energy types in the ball as it goes in the pinball machine: 

What is spring potential energy, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy?


The product of mass, earth's gravity, and the height of the object.

What is the formula for gravitational potential energy?


This physicist has their notebook locked in a lead block where it must stay due to radiation.

Who is Marie Curie?


The force diagram for the girl in blue on this teeter-totter:

What is gravity vector pointing down, applied force vectors pointing along the length of the teeter totter (where she is holding on), normal force pointing up perpendicular to the seat?


A force of 20 N acts upon a 5 kg block. The object accelerated by this much.  

What is 

F = m x a

a = F / m

a = (20 N) / (5 kg)

a = 4 m/s2



The types of energy in these cookies, cooking in the sun and warm car: 

What is thermal energy, chemical energy?


The division of velocity over time. 

What is formula for acceleration?


These siblings are well known for their machine which would defy gravity and lift people into the air.

Who are the Wright brothers?


The force diagram for this horse being pulled by its trainer: 

What is the gravity vector pointing down, normal vector pointing up, tension vector pointing towards the trainer, friction vector pointing backwards from horse?


The force of a 10 kg object moving at a constant velocity of 40 m/s.

What is 0 N? 

(Since there is no acceleration, there is no force!)


Types of energy in the thundercloud:

What are sound energy (thunder), radiant energy (lightning), thermal energy (lightning), electrical energy (lightning)?


The product of half a spring constant and the squared distance the spring travels during oscillation.

What is the formula for spring potential energy?


This physicist is the "father of quantum mechanics."

Who is Schrodinger?


The force diagram of this rocket: 

What is a gravity vector pointing down (towards earth), applied force pointing up from thrusters, air resistance pointing down. 


A bowling ball rolled with a force of 15 N accelerates at a rate of 3 m/s2; a second ball rolled with the same force accelerates 4 m/s2. The masses of the two balls are...

What is

Ball 1: F = m x a

          m = F / a

          m = (15 N) / (3 m/s2)

          m = 5 kg

Ball 2: m = F / a

          m = (15 N) / (4 m/s2)

          m = 3.75 kg



The types of energy are present in a moving motorcycle:

What are chemical energy (gas), kinetic energy (movement), thermal energy (engine), radiant energy (headlights), spring energy (shocks), electrical energy (power is on)?


The velocity of an object in terms of force and mass. 

What is 

F = m x a

a = F / m and a = v / t

so F / m = v / t

v = ( F x t ) / m



The way that Vera Rubin discovered dark matter.

What is studying the rotation of galaxies?
