True or False: An unbalanced force doesn't affect motion.
What is false.
A seesaw is an example of this simple machine
What is lever
This type of force moves an object away from you.
What is push
Newton's First Law says that an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by this...
What is force
What is touch
If two people push on a box with the same force from opposite sides, the box doesn't move because the forces are...
What is balanced force
This simple machine is a flat surface titled at an angle, like a ramp
What is an inclined plane
This force pulls things down towards the Earth
What is Gravity
Newton's first law is also called the Law of this, which means things keep doing what they are already doing.
What is inertia
When you push a swing or pull a wagon, you are using this type of force
What is contact force
A book sitting on a table doesn't move because the forces acting on it are...
What are balanced forces.
What is a pulley
This force makes it harder for things to slide on rough surfaces.
What is friction
What is complicated
When you pull on both ends of a rope in tug-of-war, this force is created inside the rope
What is tension
A soccer ball that starts rolling after being kicked is an example of this type of force at work.
What is an unbalanced forces?
This simple machine is a twisted inclined plane, often used to hold things together.
What is a screw
If you kick a soccer ball, it moves because of this
What is force
In a Rube Goldberg machine, when one object bumps another to start the reaction, this type of force is at work.
What is unbalanced force
A stretched rubber band snaps back because of this force
What is elastic force
If both teams in a tug-of-war pull with equal strength, the rope stays in place because the forces are this.
What are balanced forces.
Levers, inclined planes, pulleys, screws, wedges, and wheels and axles are all types of these.
What is simple machines.
When you are riding in a car and the driver suddenly stops, your body keeps moving forward because of this law.
What is Newton's First Law of Motion
A trampoline stretches when you jump on it and pushes you back up because of this force
What is elastic force