This force pulls objects down towards the Earth.
What is gravity?
The scientist who discovered that gravity pulls objects towards Earth.
Who is Isaac Newton?
The force that slows things down when they move across a surface.
What is friction?
When two forces are equal and opposite, they are called this.
What is balanced?
The unit of force.
What is a Newton (N)?
This force happens when two surfaces rub against each other.
What is friction?
The force that keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth.
What is gravity?
The type of friction that occurs between air and a moving object.
What is air resistance?
If a car is moving faster, the forces acting on it are _______.
What is unbalanced?
The force that helps a parachute slow down.
What is air resistance?
A force that acts in water or air to slow things down.
What is resistance?
Mass is measure in this.
What is kg or g?
The shape that reduces air resistance and helps things move faster.
What is a streamlined shape?
A still object starts moving when this happens to the forces.
What is they become unbalanced?
The force that helps a rocket launch into space.
What is thrust?
The force that makes objects float in water.
What is upthrust or buoyancy?
Weight is measured in this?
What is Newtons?
One way to increase friction.
What is making a surface rougher or adding grip?
If an object is moving at a constant speed, its forces must be _______.
What is balanced?
A car stops moving when this force is applied to the wheels.
What is friction or braking force?
This force is used by magnets to attract or repel objects.
What is magnetic force?
This makes objects fall at a different speeds on Earth even when all objects should fall at the same speed?
What is air resistance?
One way to reduce friction.
What is adding lubrication, like oil or grease?
When you push a shopping trolley and it starts moving, the forces are _______.
What is unbalanced?
The force that helps a bike move forward when you push the pedals.
What is thrust?