The War of 1812 was between these two countries.
What is the U.S. and Great Britain?
Jackson was brought to national fame after serving as a general in this battle. (In 1814 we took a little trip...)
What is the Battle of New Orleans?
The 1820s is known by a specific name which meant everyone had a good time having parties and celebrations.
What is the "Era of Good Feelings"?
I guess America's foreign policy wasn't good in the 1810s since it resulted in this historical building being burned down in Washington D.C.
What is the White House?
During the 1800s, the U.S. began to divide into different regions, which is known as this.
What is Sectionalism?
During the war, America tried to invade this British colony multiple times. (And failed every time)
What is Canada?
Jackson thought that the bank gave these people too much power in the U.S. (Kind of like Thomas Jefferson).
What are the rich/elite?
What is the Tariff of Abominations?
The U.S.'s foreign policy with the Native American Tribes was very poor due to the U.S. wanting to do this.
What is Expand Westward?
This term means that someone is loyal to their country, even to the point of wanting to go to war with others.
The War of 1812 was also referred to as this person's war.
Who is James Madison?
The Cherokee people were harshly removed from their homeland after this act signed by Andrew Jackson.
What is the Indian Removal Act?
During this man's presidency, he focused on building better infrastructure, such as roads and canals. (I need the full name!).
Who is John Quincy Adams?
What is Great Britain?
During the Nullification Crisis, South Carolina thought they could secede, which means this.
What is leave the Union/United States?
This treaty ended the War of 1812.
What is the Treaty of Ghent?
Andrew Jackson used this presidential power to get rid of the Second National Bank.
What is a Veto?
What is 1824 and 1828?
It created the idea that European nations should stay in Europe and not make any new colonies in the Americas.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
A deal involving Henry Clay and J.Q.A. led to this negatively named event during an election year.
What is the Corrupt Bargain?
A main cause of the war was this, a term that means to steal people and force them to be a part of your military.
What is Impressment?
Jackson disagreed with VP Calhoun on whether or not South Carolina should do this to the Tariff of 1828.
What is nullify?
This president articulated a statement made to Congress on foreign policy about the U.S. and Europe.
Who is James Monroe?
This Act stopped trade specifically with Great Britain and France. It was a major cause of the War of 1812.
What is the Non-Intercourse Act?
John C. Calhoun was a big supporter of this idea, which meant that the Federal government should not have too much power.