The application of science to law, which applies to both criminal law and civil law.
Currently the worlds largest forensics lab. An organized, national laboratory that offers services to all law enforcement agencies in the US.
He coined the term: Anthropometry, a systematic procedure that involved taking a series of body measurements and using them as a means for distinguishing individuals
Alphonse Bertillon
works with people who have mental illnesses and are involved with the legal system, or looking at the mental state and struggles within criminal justice.
Forensic Psychiatry
A person who has firsthand knowledge of an event from seeing the event
A thing that is known or proved to be true
Oldest forensic lab in the United States, started by August Vollmer.
Los Angeles Police Department
When two objects come in contact with each other, a cross-transfer of materials occurs
Locard's Exchange Principle - Edmond Locard
A Dr who specializes in the examination of persons who die suddenly, unexpectedly or violently. And are responsible to perform Autopsies.
Forensic Pathology
Must establish to the satisfaction of the judge, that he or she possesses a particular skill, or has knowledge in a trade or profession, that will aid the court in determining the truth of the matter at issue
Expert Witnesses
A personal belief founded on judgement or experiences.
Local law enforcement jurisdictions each operate their own independent crime labs in each state/county/city.
first person to develop DNA profiling testing
Sir Alec Jeffreys
The examination of human skeletal remains for law enforcement agencies to help with the recovery of human remains, determine the identity of unidentified human remains, interpret trauma, and estimate time since death.
Forensic Anthropology
–Formulating Questions
–Formulating Hypotheticals
–Performing Experiments
Scientific Method of Evidence
created by the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the 5 senses
Situation that requires more need for crime labs and lab services.
Increase in Crime
The first to study fingerprints definitively and developed a method for classifying and filing them
Francis Henry Galton
The branch of forensic anthropology that focuses on identification and analysis of human teeth in a legal context.
Forensic Odontology
Evidence that cannot be subjected to any bias, and must only be based on true scientific principles and findings.
Physical Evidence
A logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions.
Deductive Reasoning
Person who founded the FBI
J Edgar Hoover
Established forensic toxicology and is known as the Father of Toxicology.
Mathiew Orfila
The study of insects/arthropods in criminal investigation
Forensic Entomology
Case that gave a way for new evidence to be made admissible in court.
Coppolino vs State