4th Amendment 1
4th Amendment 2
5th Amendment 1
5th Amendment 2
6th Amendment
Evidentiary standard for a stop and frisk.
What is reasonable suspicion?
Evidentiary standard required for a warrantless search or arrest.
What is probable cause?
Definition of Custody
What is police acting in a manner that would lead a reasonable suspect to believe they are not free to walk away; action curtailed to the extent associated with formal arrest. Mathaison, Berkener

Definition of Interrogation

What is words or actions an officer should know are reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response from the suspect. Innis

When 6th Amendment rights attach.
What is when formal proceedings have been initiated. (e.g. after indictment).
Definition of reasonable suspicion.
What is an assessment, based on the totality of the circumstances after due weight is given to any factual inferences, that gives police a particularized and objective basis for suspecting legal wrongdoing. (Terry). Reasonable suspicion requires less evidence than probable cause.
Definition of probable cause.
What is is a practical, non-technical concept that deals with probabilities. It is an assessment, based on the totality of the circumstances, that the facts and circumstances within an officer’s knowledge and of which they had reasonably trustworthy information are sufficient in themselves to warrant a person of reasonable caution in the belief that a crime has been or is being committed. Brinegar
The test for waiver of rights.
What is voluntary and knowing. The burden is on the state.
How a suspect must invoke their right to silence or an attorney.
What is unambiguously?
Requirements for waiver of right.
What is voluntary, knowing, and intelligent. Decision to waive need not be with assistance of counsel. Waiver when read Miranda warnings usually does the trick.
When consent is valid.
What is when the state probes the consent was freely and voluntarily given based on the totality of the circumstances.
When a search implicates the 4th amendment.
What is when it violates an actual expectation of privacy (subjective) that society is willing to accept as reasonable (objective). Katz.
When a suspect may be reapproached after invoking their right to silence.
What is after the right has been scrupulously honored. Often after additional warning, after a break, new detectives, different crime, new place, etc.
When a suspect may be reapproached after invoking right to counsel.
What is when 1) the suspect initiates (fairly be said to represent a desire on the part of an accused to open up a more generalized discussion relating directly or indirectly to the investigation, or 2) when counsel is present.
After attachment, what questioning is protected?
What is questions re: THAT OFFENSE. Questioning that deliberately elicits an incriminating response.
When police may arrest someone.
What is 1) with a warrant, 2) In public, based on probable cause to believe that the individual has committed or is about to commit a crime.

Can police preform self incrimination without consent?

No, they need consent (violating the 5th amendment)

Is a confession considered voluntary.
What is cannot be deprived of bodily functions (bathroom), food, climate (hot or cold). Cannot be coercive.
What can be admitted from a confession in violation of Miranda.
What are physical fruits.
When a different statutory offense will provide 6th Amendment protections.
What is when elements of one offense are necessary to satisfy elements for the other. Otherwise even the same course of conduct does not mean right attaches.