How many times a week does Nature Studies meet?
Bonus Points: How many lessons do we have left in this course?
What is the funniest thing Mrs. Rebekah has done or said?
What is the first club that Forever Homeschooling started with?
Ice Breakers Club
What is Mrs. S's favorite color?
What is one of the sounds that Mrs. Rebekah Makes when she makes a mistake with one of her words?
Estimate: How many lessons do we have on the website?
Bonse Points: About how many lessons get posted to the website in a months' time?
about/on average: 42
Name 5 things that Mrs. Rebekah LOVES.
What club(s) do you want Forever homeschooling to bring back/have?
What is the name of the course that Mrs. S teaches?
Bouns points for the day that it gets posted to the website.
Even more bonus points if you can say the longest word that she has taught...and even more if you can define it!
Greek and Latin Roots
How many groups do we have on the website?
Bouns points: What are they?
Even More Bonus Points: How many have you joined?
Geography, English Language Arts, Creative Building, Science, Life Skills, High School Science, Preschool and Kindergarten, History, Festivities, Mathematicians, Arts 7 Crafts, High School History.
What was the last Life Skill that we learned about?
Bonus points: What Course?
Basic First Aid
Adventure Squad
How many fake front teeth does Mrs. Rebekah have?
What's one club we have never done?
What is Mrs. S'sss favorite animal?
Pink Fairy Armadillo
Name 5 of the 'theme days' that we have done for spirit week.
Bonus Points: How many Spirt Weeks have we done?
Crazy Hair Day, Life Cycle Day, Pick a Color Day, Hapy Headpiece Day, Costume Day
100th Day of Lives, Neon Day, Stay Afloat Day, USA Day, Fandom Day
Talk Like a Pirate Day, Hobby Day, Stuffed Animal Day, Musical Instrument Day, Around the World Day
3 (We have one coming up next month!!! I can't wait I'm going ALLL OUT)
What is Forever Homeschooling's Next LIVE Course going to be?
Bonus Points. What is the newest course that we have gone LIVE with?
CRAFTS is coming back!!!!!!! (ETA: March 2023)
American History
What is Mrs. Rebekah's middle name?
What is next month's Club of the Month Theme (this month is Playdough)?
Open Chat
How many lessons has Mrs. S substituted for in People, Places, & Things?
Bonus Points: What were they?
Nick Vujicic, Fred Rogers, Ritia Moreno, Jim Henson, and an Open Chat
Spotlights on you! Do the intro to the LIVE lessons, go over the rules like Mrs. Rebekah would!
What is one thing that Mrs. Rebekah has taught you in a lesson?
Bonus Points: What is one thing that Mrs. S has taught you in a lesson?
How many lessons or clubs does Mrs. Rebekah teach every week?
What did we do for Photography club last week?
Take a picture of something miniature.
What does the poster say on the wall behind Mrs. S when she substates and in her pre-recorded lessons?
YOU are super, are unique, are smart, are valued, are special, are strong, are amazing, are marvelous, MATTER!
Mrs. Rebekah had to roll something into the homeschool room this week, what was it?
Portable Fireplace