Sustainability involves the intersection of three main components: social, economic, and environmental. These three components are collectively known as the _____.
What is the Triple Bottom Line.
Current world population level?
What is over 8 billion people.
What is 100-500 million years.
This device uses silicon to convert solar energy into electricity.
What are photovoltaic (PV) cells.
It would take ___ years for the planet to regenerate renewable resources people use in 1 year.
What is 1.7?
# of planets we would need if the world's population lived like U.S.A.
What is 5?
These show the distribution by ages of females and males within a certain population in graphic form; provide a snapshot of the current population; and represent information about the past and give potential clues about future problems
What are population pyramids (age structure diagrams).
This fuel is primarily methane.
What is natural gas.
This device converts the kinetic movement of air molecules into the movement of electrons to produce electricity.
What are wind turbines.
Three ethical perspectives.
What is: anthropocentric, biocentric, and ecocentric?
It’s important to compare the width of the _____ to the rest of the population when interpreting population pyramids.
What is the base.
Name two disadvantages to crude oil.
What is Water pollution from oil spills and leaks; Environmental costs not included in market price; Releases CO2 and other air pollutants when burned; Vulnerable to international supply interruptions
Biomass can be burned to produced ___, used to generate ___, and processed to create _____ for transportation.
What is heat, electricity, and liquid biofuels.
List the proper order of steps in the scientific method.
What is: Observation, Question, Hypothesis, Prediction, Test, Conclusion
What is stage 4.
This is the most preferred type of coal to burn to generate electricity because of its high heat content and low sulfur content. However, supplies are limited in most areas.
What is anthracite coal.
_____ heat buildings in the winter
by transferring heat from the ground to the building. In summer, heat is transferred from the building to the ground.
What are ground source heat pumps?
______: The amount of biologically active land & water needed to indefinitely supply renewable resources and absorb/recycle wastes.
What is an ecological footprint.
If a population pyramid has a narrow base compared to the rest of the pyramid, the TFR is _____ the RLF.
What is less than.
The process of releasing energy from the nucleus of a uranium 235 atom, by firing a neutron at it, is called
What is nuclear fission.
Hydrogen is an energy _____, not an energy source.
What is carrier?