What was the name of our lesson on forgiveness
Receiving Forgiveness
What is the last word in the Bible?
Who Is the Strongest Man In the Bible
How many commandments did God give Moses?
What was the name of our first lesson on forgiveness
How many books are in the old testament?
Who is the wisest man in the Bible
King Solomon
Who Baptized Jesus
John the Baptist
How many times is forgiveness, forgiven, forgive and forgave mentioned in the bible
121 times
How many books are in the new testament?
Who is the disciple who betrayed Jesus
Who was Jesus earthly mother and father
Mary & Joseph
Who forgives us of all of our sins
How many books are in the Bible?
Who Is the Disciple who denied Jesus 3 times.
What were Adam & Eve's sons
Cain & Abel
Aphiemi (Uh-Fee-Uh-Me) means:
To send away from with the intent that its as if it never happened
Name 5 members of Southside First Missionary Baptist Church
Shavon, Sharon, Beverly. Rev Williams, Marva, Grace, Patrick, Lisa, Lisa, Janoyce, Logan, Destiny, Detreon, Dea. Michael Ford, Marsha, Dea. David Brown, Benny etc.
Who was raised from the dead by Jesus
Who helped Noah build the ark
His sons.