Which text structure would USE these SIGNAL or KEY WORDS: as a result, since, then, due to

A. Cause & Effect
B. Compare & Contrast
C. Description
D. Problem & Solution
E. Sequence

A. Cause & Effect



A. Compare
B. Contrast

A. Compare



A. Compare
B. Contrast

B. Contrast



A. Compare
B. Contrast

A. Compare


The cause comes after the effect



Dolphins are beautiful creatures that have long bodies designed to help them swim fast. They have two flippers, a fin, and a tail. Their bodies are a grayish-white and sometimes they can have a few black stripes across their body.

This is an example of Descriptive Expository Text Structure ...TRUE or FALSE



The World Cup in Brazil has been very popular. _________________ there are many people who are quite critical of it.

A. Although
B. However,
C. Likewise
D. Similarly

The World Cup in Brazil has been very popular. However, there are many people who are quite critical of it.

B. However,


Many Brazilians have celebrated the games and are actively participating in the festivities. ___________, others have staged large protests against what they see as the excesses of the games. 

A. Additionally,
B. But
C. In contrast
D. Also

C. In contrast

Many Brazilians have celebrated the games and are actively participating in the festivities. _In contrast,_ others have staged large protests against what they see as the excesses of the games.


This text structure is used to tell us about a topic's characteristics and qualities. It paints a picture of the topic in our heads.

A. Cause & Effect
B. Compare & Contrast
C. Description
D. Problem & Solution
E. Sequence

C. Description


This text structure is used to tell us how 2 or more items are alike and also different.

A. Cause & Effect
B. Compare & Contrast
C. Description
D. Problem & Solution
E. Sequence

B. Compare & Contrast


"The Mona Lisa is a painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. It was painted between 1503 and 1506. Today, it is thought to be the most well known painting in the world. You can see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. About six million people view the famous painting each year."

What text structure is used here?

A. Description
B. Problem/Solution
C. Cause/Effect
D. Compare/Contrast

A. Description

Which text structure includes signal words:

A. problem and solution
B. cause and effect
C. comparison
D. sequence


C. comparison

Little Johnny Wiggins fell down a well on the farm.  His family looked for him.  Finally, at sundown, Mr. Wiggins found Johnny.  He had been trapped in the well for three hours.
CAUSE: Johnny Wiggins fell down a well.
What was the EFFECT?

A. His mother found him at sundown 
B. He was trapped for 3 hours
C. He was visiting the farm

B. He was trapped for 3 hours

Some of the students in room 52 were upset because they never got to use the balls and jump ropes  at recess. Another group of kids always got them first and they refused to share. When Mrs. Kelly found out what was going on, she developed a rotation system so that everyone would have a chance to use the equipment.
What is the text structure?

A. Problem/Solution
B. Compare/Contrast
C. Cause/Effect
D. Sequence

A. Problem/Solution

Most people know that Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, but did you know that Mercury also orbits the sun faster than any other planet? At a speed of 31 miles (50 km) per second, Mercury completes an orbit every 88 days. That means that a year on Mercury is less than three Earth months long!
What is the text structure?

A. Problem/Solution
B. Compare/Contrast
C. Description
D. Sequence

C. Description

Mrs. Jonas was worried about Marco because he often fell asleep in class. She decided to call Marco's parents to discuss the problem. During the phone call, Mrs. Jonas suggested that an earlier bedtime might help Marco to get more sleep at night so that he would not need to sleep during class.

A. compare and contrast
B. description
C. problem and solution
D. sequence

C. problem and solution


I do my chores each Saturday.

First, I fold the laundry and put it away.
Then I sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
After that, I empty all the garbage cans and
the recycling. Finally, when all of my chores are
finished, I can go outside to play.

A. compare and contrast
B. problem and solution
C. description
D. sequence

D. sequence


Today more people are connected to the internet than ever before, not only at home, but also on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Many of these people now get their news from the internet rather than reading newspapers. As a consequence, many newspapers have gone out of business.

A. compare and contrast
B. problem and solution
C. description
D. cause and effect

D. cause and effect


Which of these statements would Effect to lead the fall of Ancient Rome?

A. Many rulers created allies with other countries, which native people did not like.

B. Citizenship was not granted to many people, so the territory really did not have a opportunity to grow population wise.

C. Ancient Rome would go on to conquer so much territory to the point where rulers were not able to manage all of the culture, people, and outsiders.

D. The Union and the Confederacy decided to be friends by signing a peace treaty that lead to a lifetime of peace and happiness.

C. Ancient Rome would go on to conquer so much territory to the point where rulers were not able to manage all of the culture, people, and outsiders.


We have celebrated Independence Day with a fireworks show on the first Saturday of July ever since our town was incorporated in 1963. This celebration has brought together the old and the young alike in a mutual display of patriotism and national pride. We regret to inform you that due to problems with the budget, there will be no fireworks show this year... unless we can raise the $20,000 to pay for the show. You can help by donating your old knickknacks. We are having a charity garage sale this Saturday and all proceeds will go toward the fireworks show. If you do not have any knickknacks, we will also accept money, printer cartridges, and old cell phones. Together, we can keep these hard times from becoming bad times.

A. description
B. compare & contrast
C. problem & solution
D. cause & effect


C. problem & solution

Clara Barton was born in Oxford, Massachusetts in 1821. She taught school and worked at the United States Patent Office. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Clara worked as a nurse. She brought supplies to soldiers and worked on the battlefield. In fact, she was called the "Angel of the Battlefield". In 1869, Clara went to Europe. There she worked with the International Red Cross. Clara returned to the United States in 1873. In 1881, Clara set up the American National Red Cross. Clara Barton helped many people in her lifetime.

What type of text structure is this?

A. Compare & contrast
B. Cause & Effect
C. Problem and Solution
D. Chronological

D. Chronological


Crocodiles and alligators look very much alike, but there are ways to tell them apart. The crocodile has a pointy snout, while the alligator's snout is rounder. The crocodile weighs less than the alligator and can move faster. Both animals have an extra-long lower tooth. When the mouth is closed, the tooth is hidden inside the mouth.
What type of text structure is this? 

A. Compare & contrast
B. Cause & Effect
C. Problem and Solution
D. Descriptive

A. Compare & contrast


First, you will need to preheat the oven to 350 degrees. The oven needs to be nice and hot when the meatballs go in. After that, mix together the meat, egg, and vegetables in a large bowl. Next, add salt and pepper and shape the mixture into balls. Make sure all of the balls are the same size. Lastly, put each ball into a muffin tin, and bake for 40 minutes. When you remove the meatballs from the oven, let them cool down for a couple minutes before eating them. Finally, you will get to enjoy this nice delicious treat.

What type of text structure is this? 

A. Compare & contrast
B. Cause & Effect
C. Chronological
D. Descriptive

C. Chronological


During the Revolutionary War, and for a long time afterward, the colonists used British, French, and Spanish money. Because the British government would not allow the colonists to make their own coins, they made paper money instead. By the mid-1700s, there was more paper money than there was gold or silver for which the bill could be traded. As a result, the British government ordered the colonists to stop making paper money.

What type of text structure is this? 

A. Compare & contrast
B. Cause & Effect
C. Chronological
D. Descriptive

B. Cause & Effect


Some scientists are worried about what will happen to people and animals if large forests and jungles in the world are destroyed. The trees and green plants in the forests and jungles produce oxygen, which is released into the atmosphere. Animals and people need this oxygen to breathe. If huge areas of green plants and trees are destroyed, there will not be enough oxygen produced to keep people and animals alive.

So, what should be done? The solution must be based on what is possible. People need to restore, or fix, ruined forest lands along with protecting areas of forests that already exist. It is not a simple solution, be at least we can try.

What type of text structure is this?

A. Problem & Solution
B. Cause & Effect
C. Chronological
D. Descriptive

A. Problem & Solution
