The very first step of making a formal command is to take which form of the verb first?
The "yo" form.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of hablar?
Hable, Hablen.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of pensar?
Piense, Piensen.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of tocar?
Toque, toquen.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of ser?
Sea, Sean.
When forming an Ud./Uds. command, you add the ________ endings.
You add the OPPOSITE endings.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of comer?
Coma, Coman.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of hacer?
Haga, Hagan.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of jugar?
Juegue, Jueguen.
What are the formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of estar?
Esté, Estén
To make a command negative, you add _____ before the commands.
What are the NEGATIVE formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of leer?
No lea, No lean.
What are the NEGATIVE formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of decir?
No diga, no digan.
What are the NEGATIVE formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of empezar?
No empiece, No empiecen.
What are the NEGATIVE formal commands (Ud. and Uds.) of ir?
No vaya, No vayan.
To make a formal command with an -ar verb, you add -__ or -___.
-e or -en
What is the English translation of "Prepárelo"?
Prepare it.
What is the English translation of "Pídalo."
Ask for it / Order it
What is the English translation of páguelo.
Pay it.
What is the English translation of "Sépalo."
Know it.
Are there accents in the command endings only of -car/-gar/-zar verbs like there are in the preterite form?
Open the book (All of you) (abrir)
How do you turn this into a formal command with a direct object pronoun in Spanish?
Try the soup.(probar)
How do you turn this into a formal command with a direct object pronoun in Spanish?
Pruebe la sopa.
With the object: Pruébela
Don't chew (masticar) the gum (el chicle).
How do you turn this into a formal command with a direct object pronoun in Spanish?
No lo mastique. (No mastique el chicle)
el chicle - gum
*Remember that objects come BEFORE the verb when they are negative commands.
Give the paper to me.
How do you turn this into a formal command (Usted) with a direct object pronoun in Spanish?