This formative assessment has students use their thumbs to show understanding
Thumbs up, thumbs down
Students circle an emoji to describe how they feel about their learning
Emoji Self Assessment
When you do this, you get evidence
Gather Data
When you do this, you use the data you collect to plan and deliver instruction that address the needs of all students.
Individualize Instruction
Students share what they understand by answering one or two questions before they exit the classroom.
This is your clue #3:
Exit Ticket
students can use these signs to communicate understanding during independent learning time .
Desk Signs
When you do this, you determine what you want students to get out of the lesson.
Define Learning Goals
When teachers do this, it helps teachers think about practices-specifically what strategies are and are not working.
Reflect on Learning
Students think about their answer, share it with a partner, and then share their answer with a larger group
students write their answers on, individual boards, turn it face down on their desk, until every student has enough time to think of an answer
Whiteboards/Response Boards
When you do this, you look at which students got this lesson/developed the skill and which students did not
Analyze/Interpret Data
When you do this, You can determine if concept needs to be retaught as a whole group, small group, or one-to-one or if you can move on.
Make Data Driven Decisions
Teachers use different levels of questions to gauge student understanding through the lesson
Comprehension Questions
Students respond to a prompt/question all at once on the board
Whiteboard Splash
When you do this, you decide whether you should move on, continue teaching, or reteach.
When you do this, you get to know your students, how their brains work, and their current abilities
Deepen Your Understanding of Students
This formative assessment can occur in whole-group activities or during playtime. If several students are struggling with a particular skill, the teacher can use their observations to form a small group or provide one-on-one guidance.
Students use this formative assessment to compare and contrast two or three topics or ideas related to whatever you are currently teaching.
During whole group, Whole group- Partner teacher tracks data while lead teacher facilitates.
What It Looks Like...
When students do this, they learn over time that it’s okay if they don’t understand the first time.
Develop A Growth Mindset