Forms of Government
Forms of Government
Forms of government
Forms of Government
Forms of Government

This form of government is ruled by a queen or King

What is a Monarchy 


What form of government is ruled by the people?

What is a Democracy?


A form of government that is ruled by religious leaders where there is NO SEPARATION between church and state.

What is Theocracy?


This type of government says everyone should work as HARD as they can and ONLY EARN what they need in order to survive

What is a Communism?


Pocahontas, Chiefs Powhatan, and a group of the elders made all of the decisions for their tribe. What type of government is this? 

What is the oligarchy?


A Democracy that every person votes on every issue. 

What is a Direct Democracy. 


A Monarchy where the King or Queen has unlimited power.

What is a Absolute Monarchy?


In my country, Commandor John Swift overthrow the government and now controls with his use of violence. 

Commandor Swift is a part of a.......

What is a Dictatorship?


Jason lives in a country in which political power derives solely from the people, where he and fellow citizens elect representatives and a president to enact their views in government. Jason lives in a state best described as which of the following?

What is a Republic or Representative Government?


In the movie Lion King, Simba rules all the land the light touches. What type of Government was this?

What is a Monarchy


The Queen is the symbol of our country but has limited power. 

What is a Constutional Monarchy?


A goverment with ruled entirely by one person

What is an Autocracy


How is an oligarchy different from a monarchy?

Oligarchies are rule by a few people or a small group, while monarchies are usually ruled by one person.            


This type of government is characterized by the rule of a small number of people. How the people are chosen varies from place to place: Some have it based on family ties, while others use wealth or military position as a determining factor. In history, many Greek city-states, including Sparta, used this form of governing.

What is oligarchy?


Whenever I and my brothers want to go somewhere we elected my oldest brother to ask my mom. This is an example of what type of government?

What is a representative democracy?


This government is ruled by a few people that are either rich, elite or a political party.

What is an Oligarchy


A country where the people are allowed to vote for representatives 

What is a Represenative Democracy?


A form of government in which a dictatorial leader has absolute power is best described as which of the following?

What is an autocracy?


Tommy is a resident of Capital City in the fictional country of Bergundia. Each Tuesday morning before going to work he, along will all other residents, stops by city hall and votes on any rules and laws that are being considered. He, and other citizens, do the same thing on Thursday afternoons.

What type of government does Tommy live in?

What is a Direct Democracy? 


Cinderella married Prince Charming, he will become a King after his father dies and have the complete power of the country. His first plan is to rename the country after Cinderalla. 

What is an Absolute Monarchy. 


Economic system where government manages most of the economy; resources are shared based on need

What is socialism?


Economic system where the means of production are controlled by private owners

What is Capitalism?


From 1948 to 1994, South Africa existed under a system of apartheid. Under this system, white South Africans- about 18% of the population- controlled all of the instruments of government: the Parliament, the Executive Branch, and the courts. Black and non-white South Africans had few legal rights and could not vote in elections. Voting was limited to white South African citizens.

What is oligarchic or oligarchy?


“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

--Lord Acton, British historian

Based on this quotation, what type of government would Lord Acton most likely support?

What is a Representative Governement?


This year I'm excited to vote in the presidential election of 2024. I have to do my research on different Senators and House Members because they have to represent me. What type of government am I?

What is a Representative Democracy?


These are all individuals who were part of this FORM of government



All flags from this form of government.

What is Communism?


The people ONLY elect legislative positions and there is NO DEFINITIVE term (i.e. # of years)  for these legislators to serve.

What is a parliamentary system?


The people are who elect the president, governors, senators, representatives and mayors in this form of government.

What is the presidential system?


These leaders represent this specific form of government.

What is a monarchy?
