U.S. Government
Forms/Systems of Gov't

Following the 1917 revolution, the Soviet Union emerged, with the government assuming authority over all facets of governance and the economy. This era was characterized by the harsh regime of Josef Stalin, during which millions are believed to have been killed due to political persecution and his totalitarian policies. 

Communism; Dictatorship


What is a government that is run by the people, either directly or indirectly?



What form of government is depicted in this image:

Democracy - Citizens are casting their vote to either elect representatives/leaders or vote on local/state/federal issues 


This position of power is inherited, usually rules for life, and holds limited power.

Constitutional Monarchy (Limited Monarchy)


In which form of government would leaders of an official state religion hold power?



During the Civil War, Southern states formed their own country and gave all power to each individual state to govern themselves, who were loosely associated with each other. Each state had its own laws, money, and constitutions but fought together against the North



TRUE or FALSE: The United States is a direct democracy

FALSE: The United States is a Representative Democracy (AKA Republic)


This form of government allows lawmakers to hold political power and make decisions on behalf of the people.

Representative Democracy/Republic:A form of democratic government in which people participate in decision-making; citizens have a direct say on all public matters.


What are two examples of Autocracies and how do their rulers gain their power?

Absolute Monarchy - a ruler who inherits their position; power is hereditary. Usually a King, Queen or Emperor. Has total power in government.

Dictatorship - a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.


What is a Regional government?

a state government within a country or a local government of a municipality or county.


Swansylvania is an island located in the middle of the eastern pacific ocean and its inhabitants are not keen on outsiders! Its ruler is a mean old tyrant who seized power in a violent revolution with an army of swans, overthrowing and subduing the island's pesky native geese population. Their Supreme Leader now controls all the island's resources of water and coconuts and decides who gets them and how much his subjects can have!

Dictatorship: rules by force and did not inherit power

Communism: all resources controlled by government


Why did the U.S. founders create a Federal system of government instead of a Unitary system of government?

The founders of the United States wanted to make sure that the government wasn't too powerful and didn't take away people's rights. So, they created a system where power is shared between a central government and smaller governments in each state. This way, decisions can be made both nationally and locally, making sure everyone's voice is heard and protecting everyone's freedoms.


Think Goldilocks!...

Unitary gov't = central gov't too strong!...

Confederal = central gov't too weak!

Federal = Just right!


What system of government leadership is depicted in this image:

Unitary - power belongs to the national/central government


Which of the following forms of government cannot properly co-exist together with all of the others?







AUTOCRACY - an all powerful ruler cannot properly co-exist with a democratic government


What word describes a cruel and oppressive government or rule?

Tyranny - Used to describe a cruel, unreasonable, or unpredictable use of power or control by a government or ruler.


Canada has an elected legislature that selects the leader of the executive branch. Canada is divided into ten providences that share power with the national government. The Prime Minister is the head of government but King Charles III of the United Kingdom is the Head of State.

- Representative Democracy

- Parliamentary (do not need to know for test)

- Federal

- Limited Monarchy


Why did the U.S. founders create a Federal system of government instead of a Confederal system of government?

The U.S. founders created a Federal system of government because their experiences with the weak central government under the Articles of Confederation showed them the importance of having a stronger national government. They wanted to avoid the problems they faced, such as difficulties in making decisions and enforcing laws, by establishing a system where the central government had more authority while still allowing states to have some control over their own affairs.


Think Goldilocks!...

Unitary gov't = central gov't too strong!...

Confederal = central gov't too weak!

Federal = Just right!


What form of government leadership is depicted in this image:

Oligarchy - more than one person seems to be in power.


What does central power mean? Rank in order which systems of government have the most power given to the central power: Federal, Confederal, Unitary

*200 BONUS POINTS* Which system of government do we have in the United States and why?

Central Power: Authority to Govern an entire nation.

1. Unitary - all power located in the central government

2. Federal - shared power between the central government and states

3. Confederal - little power given to central government & states hold most of the power

BONUS: We have a Federal system of government in the US.


What is the idea that the people are the true rulers of a country, because they are the ones who actually hold all of the power and give it to the government.

Popular Sovereignty

(a Sovereign is a ruler. Therefore...the population rules)


Japan contains forty-seven administrative divisions of regional governments, with the Emperor as its Head of State, who must abide by the central authority of the government.

The Emperor inherits power from a royal bloodline but their role is ceremonial and he has no powers related to Government. Instead, it is the Cabinet, comprising the Ministers of State and the Prime Minister, that directs and controls the Government. The Cabinet has executive power and is formed by the Prime Minister, who is the Head of Government. The Prime Minister is nominated by the National Diet (legislature) and appointed to office by the Emperor. The National Diet, consisting of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, enact legislation and oversee governmental affairs on the behalf of the people.

Japan's economy, renowned for its advanced technology and global competitiveness, thrives in industries like automotive manufacturing and electronics despite challenges such as an aging population and stagnant growth. These industries allow for high standards of living and competitive wages amongst workers, economic freedom, and businesses that contribute to the global economy. 

Unitary: the regional governments must abide by the authority (power) of a central (national) government.

Representative Democracy: The national "Diet" is made up of elected officials who govern on the people's behalf.

Limited Monarchy: Ruler inherits power

Capitalist: private business/property, economic freedom, wages, and high standards of living.


What are the benefits of having a republic over a direct democracy in a country like the United states?

In a large country like the United States, a republic provides efficient decision-making by allowing elected representatives to act on behalf of the people, rather than requiring every citizen to vote on every issue. This system safeguards minority rights and ensures diverse perspectives are considered, preventing the domination of the majority. Additionally, representatives can focus on addressing complex issues and long-term planning, promoting stability and effective governance.


What form of government is depicted in this image:

Communism - symbolized one single & unified political party; emphasizes the importance of labor and workers uniting together.


Which forms and systems of government typically grant a great amount of power to the government and which may limit power given to the people?

Unitary - power is concentrated in a national government, sometimes managed by one person or a small group.

Autocracy - All power given to one ruler (absolute monarch or dictator)

Communism - Gov't controls entire economy

Socialism - Gov't controls large amount of economy


1. _______________ is a form of government in which the government controls most of the economy but private ownership is also allowed and leaders may be elected by the people.

2 ._______________ is a form of government in which a single ruling party owns and controls the entire economy, and in which no private ownership of land or businesses is allowed.

1. Socialism

2. Communism
