Famous People
Social Events/Movements
Historical Minutiae
Gump-ian Minutiae
Historical Events

The President that Gump met after making the All-American Team.

Who was JFK, John Fitzgerald Kennedy?


Gump volunteered for the war, Bubba did not - because of this (formal name).

What is the Selective Service Act?


Gump "taught" this famous performer his signature dance in the 1950's.

Who was Elvis Presley?


Forrest's IQ going into elementary school

What is 75, 5 points shy of entry into a regular school in Alabama.


The man that Forrest was named after and what he did.

Who was Civil War General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder/leader of the KKK?


Gump never met him but the television footage of one of the two assassination attempts against him was shown after he pardoned Nixon.

Who was Gerald Ford?


Gump and Lt. Dan Taylor were recuperating in a hospital in this former capital of South Vietnam.

What was Saigon?


This president ordered the National Guard to desegregate the University of Alabama.

Who was John F. Kennedy?


The University Forrest played football for, coached by the infamous Paul "Bear" Bryant.

What is the University of Alabama?


The social/political movement that is associated with Jenny during much of the film.

What are the "hippies" or counterculture?


There was a signed picture of this famous actress in Kennedy's bathroom (a nod to their alleged affair).

Who was Marilyn Monroe?


The company that Lt. Dan invests Forrest's money in.

What was the Apple Corporation?


Forrest inadvertently tips off the authorities of a break-in at this office building ruining the career of a president.

What is Watergate?


The award Gump is given by LBJ (only 3,518 have been given in the history of the United States)

What is the Congressional Medal of Honor?


Footage of the famous/infamous moon landing was shown with the quote: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."  He said it.

Who was Neil Armstrong?


The Governor standing in the doorway of the University Alabama fighting for "state's rights" and survived an assassination attempt.

Who was Governor George Wallace of Alabama?


The founders of the black nationalist movement where Gump and Jenny end up after meeting in DC.

Who are Huey Newton and Bobby Seale? (Black Panthers)


Nixon's policy toward China that allowed Gump to play ping-pong there...

What is "detente?"


The town and county in Alabama where Gump grew up.

What is Greenbow, Alabama?


This was the group that that guy in the American flag shirt founded (he was arrested for wearing it btw) would also incite a riot at the 1968 DNC.

What is the Youth International Party (Yippies)?


Would have just been elected president when Gump met Elvis in 1953.

Who was Dwight Eisenhower?


The organization, founded by Tom Hayden, that Jenny's boyfriend (the creepy one with glasses that hit her) was the leader of for Berkeley.

What is the Students for a Democratic Society?


The disease the film alludes to Jenny dying from.

What is HIV/AIDS? (or more recently discovered to have been Hepatisis C by the author of the book the film is based on - I still think AIDS is the better answer)


The university in California where Jenny met her SDS boyfriend, famous for its counterculture movement.

What is (UC) Berkeley?


This was the name of the guy in the flag shirt who said the f-word a little too much, one of the infamous Chicago eight arrested for inciting a riot (at the 1968 DNC)

Who was Abbie Hoffman?
