What is the New fortnite Secret skin?
First AR?
Rarest Glider
Med that gives you shields and health overtime?
Slurp Juice
Season 9 Lvl. 100 skin
First Sniper
Newest Glider?
X-Wing glider
Med that gives you 100 health and shield?
Chug Jug
What is the first skin?
Skull Trooper.
Best Sniper
Bolt Action Sniper
Oldest Glider?
Snowflake Umbrella
Med that gives you 25 shield?
Mini shield
Rarest skin?
Renegade Raider
Suppressed, Regular,
#1 rated glider
Lavawing and Frostwing Dragon Gliders
Med that gives you 50 shields?
Shield Potion ( Or Big Pot )
What other skin came out with the Skull Trooper?
Ghoul Trooper
First rocket Came out?
Idk Pass
Biggest Glider?
Shark Lander
Med that gives you 100 health?
Med Kit