what is the most og weapon in fortnite og season 2
is marygold more popluar or midas
what did the herald make
what is my favorite boss from chapter 5 season 1
what is the cutest thing in chapter 6
water sprites
in og season 1 what is the most least favorite skin
skull commander
yay midas gave you 200 gold
how did the herald die
us and the seven
oh no Oscar ate 200 points!
womp womp
what is chapter 6 season 2 called?
oh no renegade rebel took 300 v-bucks from you
what is the last season of chapter 2
oh no the herald cromed 300 points
womp womp
what is my favorite chapter 5 update
chapter 5 season 2
when was chapter 6 released
december 2024
og king gave you the zapatron
400 points
free pass
no points no lose points
what happend to the chapter 3 map
it exploded
is chapter 5 season 4 a marvel update
will there be a marvel update on chapter 6
probably (yes still counts)
what is my favorite og season
oh no marygold took 500 gold from you
ur soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky
free 1500
thanos vs doom who wins
what is the last season of chapter 6