I am the AR that is most og I've came back a multitude of times what I am?More points if you guess the exact type 100 points
Regular AR (Scar)
I heal you for 25 shield
What is the strongest shotgun in the game as of now based on damage output
The Sentinal Pump
I am one of the most powerful AR's in the game that was recently added and shoots faster the more you shoot
Surgefire SMG
This isn't a singular weapon, but pairing this weapon with the same gun was a deadly combo
Double pump
I am an og weapon and I had a full redesign most people say the new version is worse than the old what am I
The burst AR
I heal both health and shield and it takes a long time to drink me, but as of now you can walk around using this item
Chug Jug
The shotgun had a huge nerf in season one, was then removed 5 seasons later, and finally returned in and out of the game multiple times.
Pump Shotty
I am a way better version of the og SMG, but this only includes epic and legendary rarities
I am currently in the game and this game was the one weapon the wild season fun let-alone playable
The Mammoth pistol
I was by far the most BROKEN AR in the game which is why two seasons later I was removed and never came back
The M-17
This item used to be purple in season 1, but then it was removed, and then brought back as a legendary item
Slurp juice
I was a shotgun that one pump at mythic rarity, but I'm not a pump shotgun what am I?
Havoc Shotgun
I am by far the worst SMG ever released I am currently in OG Fortnite
Machine pistol (this is considered an SMG)
By far the best movement item in the game used to break into boxes
Shockwave grenade
I am by far the worst AR in the game no one used me and no one liked me as they were glad I left and never returned
Primal AR
I am not shields, however I do give both health and shield, and I make you have infinite stamina what I am
slap juice
Oni Shotgun
I am technically the fastest reloading SMG, but it's also not a reload at the same time what am I?
Twing Mag SMG
I was a mythic weapon in the 2nd worst Fortnite season aka the wild season and everytime you shot with me it knocked you back which could kill you with fall damage I am also a mythic weapon
The Cybertron cannon
I was only in the game for a short period of time and I only heal health over time I am mainly green as well
Guzzle Juice aka the worst healing item ever
I was made to replace the pump shotgun and I looked exactly like it what am I?
Sharptooth shotgun
I am one of the most pointless guns in the game my only feauture is to be silent even tho it isn't (seriously this thing serves no purpose and is slow)
Supressed SMG
I will soon be within the game and I can currently be found in team rumble from supply crates and I am a legendary item what am I?
The pump and dump