who's the champion i hate the most?
What uni degree am i studying for?
Puter science
What's my favourite videogayme?
What brand and model is my phone?
Iphone 12
My favourite number is 26
(if false, then what number is it? +200)
false, my favourite number is -1
List my top three mastery champions
1. Zoe (250k)
2. Lillia (175k)
3. Taliyah (130k)
When was i born?
March 26th 2004
What's my favourite color?
orang e
What was my first nickname in a videogame?
If i were to be born again, i'd choose to be a woman
False, i'd choose to be a femboy so i dont lose my rights duuh.
What's my favourite item of all time?
luden's tempest
What's my surname?
What's my favourite movie?
What was my first ever PERSONAL gaming platform?
Nintendo DS
The only time I've been abroad was when I travelled to Prague.
(if false, then where did i travel to? +600)
How did i start playing league?
which sport have i practiced for over 10 years?
Hip Hop and Breakdance.
What's my favourite fruit and animal?
Orange and fox.
Which city do i want to visit at least once in my life? (guess the district and you get +800)
Tokyo, Shibuya District
I've been in a near-death situation
(if true, which one? +400)
true, a train almost hit me full speed but missed me by 1 meter
What year did i start playing leek?
dicember 2021
What's my hometown's name?
Mazara del Vallo
What's my favourite song? (guess the artist and you get +700)
Farewell, Lena Raine
What's the first gayme ive ever played?
Hint: It's a PS2 game
Ratchet & Clank
Our family cat is called "Stella"
(if false, then what's her name? +700)
false, we've never owned a cat :P