Fortnite Skins
Fortnite Events
Fortnite Emotes
Fortnite Weaponry/Items
Fortnite YouTubers

This skin is the automatically equiped skin that every single player in Fortnite has. 

What is the Default Skin?


This event was the first ever live event in Fortnite.

What is the meteor shower event?


This emote is a Fortnite classic and is well known across the globe. This dance was portrayed and originated by a young boy and his backback.

What is the floss?


This weapon was vaulted after 4 days of it's release. It was considered one of the most overly powered mythic items in fortnite.

What is the Infinity Blade?


This is a British YouTuber who got his fame from making Minecraft videos. He began growing over the next 5 years and now plays everyday games. He is currently one of the most subscribed child friendly YouTubers out there.

Who is DanTDM?


This skin was a free Fortnite skin and was recently added in the month of December, and is located in a Christmas tree.

What is LT. Evergreen?


This event was the first ever sponsered event to happen in Fortnite. A masked singer performed infront of thousands of audiences, virtually.

What is the Marshmellow event?


This emote was later copyrighted because it's saxaphone tune was coppied from a jazz musician.

What is phone it in?


This weapon was added in seaosn 3 and was immediately found to be one of the most over powered item in fortnite. This item was used to track other plays and dealt 150-200 damage to anybody that was hit by it. 

What is the Guided Missile?


This Fortnite YouTuber is Preston Plays' cousin and is well known for his old Minecraft videos. He began playing Fortnite as soon as he became popular. 

His name is like gelatin.

Who is Jelly?


These skins were added to Fortnite to celebrate Easter.

What is Bunny Brawler and Rabbit Raider?


This was the most epic live event to happen in Fortnite. It involved to foes to battle it out on the Fortnite Island.

What is the Mech vs Monster event?


This emote is considered to be the rarest emote in Fortnite and was released in season 2.

What is the Flapper?


This item is the only gun that has made it since season 1 to present time.

What is the Assualt Rifle?


This Fortnite American Twitch streamer is really well known around the twitch community. He is considered to be one of the best Fortnite players. He currently has 1 million subs on twitch. He is commonly spotted wearing a headband.

Who is Ninja?


This skin was the max battle pass tier skin in season 2. 

What is Black Knight?


This was the most hyped and inticipated live event that took place in season 4 and caused the space time continuum to be ripped apart.

What is the rocket launch event?


This is a season 4 classic and was named after a kid in an orange shirt.

What is orange justice?


This item has a 0.000001% of being found in game. It is a mythic item and has been added in Chapter 2 season 1 of Fornite.

What is the mythic Gold Fish?


This British man began making Call of Duty videos to everyday videos. At one point, he was memed for being the king of clickbait.

Who is Ali A?


This skin was another free Fortnite skin and was recently added in the month of December, 2019, in a Christmas present and was free to all players.

What is Wooly Warrior?


This event was considered to be the most anti-climantic event to ever happen in fortnite. This took place in season 7 and involved the summoning of a gigantic ruler.

What is the Ice King event?


This emote won the Fortnite boogie down contest.

What is the boogiedown emote?


This item was added to Fortnite and was vaulted after 10 minutes of the season 1 update. This gun dealt a oneshot energy bolt that had the range of a sniper.

What is the Zapatron?


This Fortnite American Youtuber began making Minecraft videos with BajanCandian and PrestonPlayz. He know plays a wide rage of games, including Fortnite and Shellshock.

(Hint: Ohhhh bud--)

Who is Jerome Aceti?
