What is the rarest skin?
Renegade Raider
What is your favorite landing spot in Chapter 5, Season 2?
Tell your family, friends, or teacher your favorite.
What is the newest map called?
Chapter 5, Season 2
What season did not have a battle pass?
Season 1
What was the worst gun in the OG season?
Knockback pistol
What is the second rarest skin?
Aerial Assault Trooper
What is the best landing spot in Chapter 5, Season 2?
What were the thee most popular places in Chapter 5, Season 1?
Fencing Fields, Snooty Steppes, Lavish Lair
What battle pass was Peter Griffin in?
Chapter 5, Season 1
What is Chapter 1, Season 1 Tiger Boss's name?
What is the third rarest skin?
The Black Knight
What are the actual names for landing spots?
What is the coldest location on the Chapter 5, Season 2 map?
Grand Glacier
What battle pass was Dwayne the Rock Johnson in?
Chapter 3, Season 1
In the FNCS, they added a gun, and it was too powerful. What was it?
Knockback pistol
What is the least popular skin?
Which landing spot name in Chapter 5, Season 2, is the longest?
Brawler's Battleground
What is in the center of the Chapter 5, Season 2 map?
Restored Reels
Which season had the Big Bang Battle Pass?
Chapter 5, Season 1
What is the newest gun to be added to Fortnite?
Gatekeeper Shotgun
What's the most expensive skin?
Double Helix
Which landing spot name in Chapter 5, Season 2, is the shortest?
Grim Gates
What location is the home to Hades?
The Underworld
What is the rare skin in the Season 2 Battle Pass?
Black Knight
What is the rarity of the Cerberus Mythic Gun?