what is the rarest skin in fortnite
areol assault one
what is the best mythic
Ice spices mythic scar and grapple
was their a exotic flint nock back in the lazar beam cup
what skin was in the first starter pack
rouge agent
what is the most wanted skin in Fortnite?
Travis Scott
what boss was reskined for snoop dog
what was the worst medallion in fortnite
Mysereios medallion
what was the first free think in the itemshop
a backbling called rust bucket
what is the rarest itemshop skin
what was the rarest skin in the chapter 2 season 2 battle bass
full gold agent peely
what where the bosses in chapter 5 season 1
Oscar, Nisha, Montague, Valeria, and also Peter Griffin
what is the most rarest pickaxe
raders revenge
what skin do people think is tier one hundred but is not? (og)
black night
what boss dropes the boom bow
what boss droped the mythic havic
there wasn't one it was in a vault
who should get a icon skin
Typical Gamer
was skin did you need to buy a graphics card for
what was the most contested place in chapter 2 season 2?
The Agentsy
what two bosses gave you powers and 1,000 health
Doctor Doom and Thanos
who got the first icon skin
sumit stricker