This fortnite Icon Came first in the first week of the Fornite World Cup Qualifiers (NAE)
This fortnite player won Summer Skimirsh Grand Finals
Acorn Jahq Slackes, Calc, Mackwood, ZexRow, Reverse, Deyy, Mero
Which Fortnite Player Qualified 5 times For World Cup
This Fortnite player Qualified for Winter Royale on EU and NAE
This Squad won 3/4 FNCS Weeks
ZAYT, SAF, Highsky , Commandment
This Fortnite team had the most amount of players qualify to world cup from their Roster
This fortnite player came first at ESL Katowice solos
Name 3 out of the 5 Seven-time FNCS Grand Finalists
Clix, Cazz, Bugha, Stretch, Khanada
ZexRow and Vinny
Did this Infamous Mitr0 play Happen During the Fall or Summer Skirmish Series
Fall Skirmish
This player Had a breakout Season during Solo FNCS, Winning a week (Hint, played with Vetta)
Tfue was extremely good during the Fall Skirmish, and Won the Grand Finals. Including His Week 6 Grand Finals win, how many out of the 6 weeks did he win.
Even though he was already a full time content creator, Ninja played FNCS squads, and qualified to grand finals. What place did he come in Squad Grand Finals