What is then?
What is a hurricane?
Igneous, metamorphic, Sedimentary
What are the 3 types of ricks?
What is then?
Thick sheets of moving ice
What are glaciers?
Rocks that form from molten magma
What are igneous rocks?
The process of breaking down rocks into small particles.
What is a weathering?
The oldest layer of a rock is the top layer.
What is false?
What does this fossils indicate?
What is this used to be an ocean?
What is a fish once lived here?
The largest and strongest hurricane 3rd strongest hurricane that made landfall in the U.S. It flooded over 80% of New Orleans.
What is Hurricane Katrina?
The process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind and water.
What is erosion?
wooly mammoth
What is then?
A fossil of an organism that lived in many places around the world for a short period of time.
What is an index fossil?
I was formed by erosion and water. I was under water and was the home to many prehistoric animals. Tiny pieces of rock was deposited into the Colorado River. Then the layers started forming mountains.
What is the Grand Canyon?