What is a fossil?
A fossil is any preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing from a past geological age.
What is continental drift?
the movement of continents resulting from the motion of tectonic plates
Blue eye color or brown eye color is a ________
the place in the cell where you can find the genetic information
What is the TYPE of fossil that provides information about the organism?
petrified fossil
T or F? ____ pressure and the heat of the layers in our planet help with fossilization.
How do fossils explain continental drift?
Scientists have found fossils of similar types of plants and animals in rocks of similar age. These rocks were on the shores of different continents. This suggests that the continents were once joined
Yy is a ___________
The organelle in charge of creating proteins
What type of FOSSIL provides information about the behavior of the organism?
Trace fossil
What is altered fossilization?
the materials making up the fossil are partially or complexly different from those that the animal produced when it was alive
How do glacial striations explain continental drift?
Glacial striations (scratches) and erratics (rocks moved away by glacial ice from the original bedrock) correspond between continents.
Aa is a PAIR of __________
the organelle in charge of getting rid off waste and enermies
in what TYPE of fossil do we find molds where an animal or plant was buried in mud, and decayed away, leaving behind an impression of their bodies?
Mold fossil
What is unaltered fossilization?
Unaltered fossil remains are comprised of the original materials—and sometimes tissues—produced by an organism when it was alive.
how do mountain ranges explain continental drift?
a mountain range broke apart as the continents split up. The mountain range separated as the continents drifted.
What is a gene?
a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome
the organelle compared to the post office (it packages and sends out proteins out the cell in vesicles)
Golgi apparatus
in what TYPE of fossil are casts formed when impressions are filled with other types of sediment that form rocks, which take the place of the animal or plant
Cast fossil
The scientists that study life in the past such as fossils are called________
why is continental drift compared to a puzzle?
We knew that the continents' shapes tended to fit together, jig-saw puzzle-like, centuries ago
What is a chromosome?
any of the rod-shaped or threadlike DNA-containing structures of cellular organisms that are located in the nucleus of eukaryotes
The organelle in charge of producing the energy the cell needs