Hip height =
Length of footprint times 4
Body fossil is,
Hard body parts are replaced by minerals that turn them into rock.
Class Placodermi
They lived in marine and freshwater environments, eating small vertebrates. The time scale range is early Silurian (in China) to the Late Devonian (“Age of Fish”). They became extinct at the end-Devonian Hangenberg event.
What is the first step of fossil Formation?
Different types of fossils form in different ways, but the most common way is when the first step is the body of an animal is buried by volcanic ash, for example.
Head to tail length =
Length of footprint times 10
Egg fossil is,
Dino eggs are usually found as fossil shell fragments, but are sometimes found intact if buried and preserved quickly.
Order Rotaliida
They lived in marine habitats from shallow water to deep sea. They are omnivores and are typically benthic. The time scale range is Triassic to Recent.
What is the second step of a Fossil Formation?
The second step is when the soft body parts rot away and the hard bones end up under deep layers of sediment.
If the ratio is less than 2.0,
The dinosaur is walking
A mold fossil is,
When an animal or plant was buried in mud or soft soil and decayed away, leaving an impression.
Graptolites [phylum bryozoa]
The time scale range is Cambrian to end of Carboniferous, and they were usually deposit feeders but some were filter feeders. They would have fed by straining plankton and other pieces of food from the water. Fossils look like pencil marks on a rock. They consisted of colonies of microscopic organisms with a threefold body division. The three body parts are the proboscis/protostome, the collar, and the trunk.
What is the third step of Fossil Formation?
The third step is when minerals fill in spaces in the bones, which turns the sediment into rock and bones into fossils.
If the ratio is between 2.0 and 2.9,
The dinosaur was trotting
A cast fossil is,
When the imprint fills up with minerals and sediment from groundwater, and hardens to form a fossil.
Genus Nummulites
The time scale range is Late Cretaceous (85.8 mya) to modern-day, but are most commonly found from the Eocene Epoch (54-35 mya); medium-sized Nummulites only came from the Middle Eocene. They lived at the bottom of the ocean's photic zone. They are benthopelagic and omnivores.
What is the fourth step of Fossil Formation?
Over millions of years, erosion (wind and rain) washes away the rocks.
If the ratio is greater than 2.9,
The dinosaur is running
Trace fossil is,
A fossil of a footprint, trail or burrow rather than animal itself.
Superclass Agnatha (Jawless Fish) (Ostracoderms)
They lived in Cold marine waters from 10 meters deep at high latitudes to 1300 meters at low altitudes and they feed on other fish and mammals. Hagfish are scavengers. No known parental care, fertilization is most likely external.
What is the fifth step of Fossil Formation?
After the rocks are washed away the fossil is revealed.