What is a gemstone?
Precious stone that can be cut, polished and can be used in jewelry
Fossils tells us the future of the Earth?
When were fossils created: Then, Now, or Both?
Then - Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived long ago
I am formed when lava or magma cools and hardens. I can be found near volcanoes. What am I?
An igneous rock
What are artifacts?
items from long ago made by people
Minerals are found in rocks
True or False
Are minerals found in rocks: Then, Now, or Both?
Both (Minerals have always been in rocks, both in the past and today.)
What is one way a mineral can form?
Answer: b) From chemicals in the Earth forming crystals
I help scientists learn about the past. I can be found in rocks. What am I?
A fossil
What is a paleontogist?
What is a paleontogist? Someone who studies living things from long ago by looking at fossils
Sedimentary rocks are made from layers of sand, clay, and other materials
Did metamorphic rocks form only in the past: Then, Now, or Both?
Now (Metamorphic rocks are still forming today as pressure and heat change existing rocks.)
How do metamorphic rocks form?
a) From water
b) From heat and pressure changing other rocks
c) From plants growing
Answer: b) From heat and pressure changing other rocks
I am made from layers of sand, clay, or other materials pressed together over time. What am I?
A sedimentary rock
What does fossilized mean?
made into a fossil
All minerals are shiny and colorful.
Were minerals used by ancient people to make tools or art: Then, Now, or Both?
Both (Ancient people used minerals for tools and art, and we still use them today.)
Which of the following can become a fossil?
Answer: a) A leaf
I am formed by heat and pressure deep inside the Earth, changing other rocks. What am I ?
A metamorphic rock